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it shows that it is not from God, so why are lots of poeple following it ? it only need thinking coz it your life path.

2006-12-06 00:16:57 · 14 answers · asked by muslima 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

In over 50 years of reading and studiying the Bible, I have yet to find a contradiction.

I have seen some of the "list" people have put together, and they just show that the authors have never read the book...

"In genesis 1 God says everthing is good, but in genesis 6 He says it is bad" Maybe because genesis 3 happened in between where man sinned and changed things. Its not a contraditions, its a plot advancement.

"In Matthew Jesus preached on a mountain, but in Luke He preached on a plain". Correct. The Bible says over a hundred times "Jesus preached" or "Jesus taught". Once it was on a mountain, another time on a plain. The two account are said to have happened in different cities, at different points in his ministry, talking to different groups, and with totally sermons. No contradition, just different events.

When you a dealing with a library of 66 books by over 40 different author written over a period of 1500-2000 years, you are going to find some differences in the ways the explain and express sertain things. Matthew wrote his gospel to saw how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy, so it will have some different details and record then different events then Luke (the only gospel writer who did not know Jesus personally), who only included events for which he could find eyewitnesses. So are there places where you have to think to reconcile the stories, yes.

Take any three newspapers from yesterday and compare their accounts of a new story, and you will find that the reporters may included different details or report different parts of a person's speech. But they are not contradition each other. And it does show that the event they are covering "never happened".

When the Bible is given a honest reading from cover to cover, there are no contradictions within it.

2006-12-06 00:25:26 · answer #1 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 2 2

There is nothing wrong with following the tenets of the Bible. I am an atheist but the Bible teaches wonderful ways to live and get along with people. But the Bible is allegory. The contradictions which exist therein are but one of the proofs of this. It is the unthinking acceptance of the literal interpretation of the Bible which is the folly of many religious zealots.

go back and read it again then dewcoons-there are hundreds of contradictions. Your faith has made you blind.

Was John the Baptist Elijah who was to come?

(a) Yes (Matthew II: 14, 17:10-13)

(b) No(John 1:19-21)

Would Jesus inherit David’s throne?

(a) Yes. So said the angel (Luke 1:32)

(b) No, since he is a descendant of Jehoiakim (see Matthew 1: I 1, I Chronicles 3:16). And Jehoiakim was cursed by God so that none of his descendants can sit upon David’s throne (Jeremiah 36:30)

Jesus rode into Jerusalem on how many animals?

(a) One - a colt (Mark 11:7; cf Luke 19:3 5). “And they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their garments on it; and he sat upon it.”

(b) Two - a colt and an *** (Matthew 21:7). “They brought the *** and the colt and put their garments on them and he sat thereon.”

How did Simon Peter find out that Jesus was the Christ?

(a) By a revelation from heaven (Matthew 16:17)

(b) His brother Andrew told him (John 1:41)

Where did Jesus first meet Simon Peter and Andrew?

(a) By the sea of Galilee (Matthew 4:18-22)

(b) On the banks of river Jordan (John 1:42). After that, Jesus decided to go to Galilee (John 1:43)

When Jesus met Jairus was Jairus’ daughter already dead?

(a) Yes. Matthew 9:18 quotes him as saying, “My daughter has just died.”

(b) No. Mark 5:23 quotes him as saying, “My little daughter is at the point of death.”

Did Jesus allow his disciples to keep a staff on their journey?

(a) Yes(Mark6:8)

(b) No (Matthew 10:9; Luke 9:3)

Did Herod think that Jesus was John the Baptist?

(a) Yes (Matthew 14:2; Mark 6:16)

(b) No (Luke 9:9)

Did John the Baptist recognize Jesus before his baptism?

(a) Yes (Matthew 3:13-14)

(b) No (John 1:32,33)

Did John the Baptist recognize Jesus after his baptism?

(a) Yes (John 1:32, 33)

(b) No (Matthew 11:2)

According to the Gospel of John, what did Jesus say about bearing his own witness?

(a) “If I bear witness to myself, my testimony is not true” (John 5:3 1)

(b) “Even if I do bear witness to myself, my testimony is true” (John 8:14)

When Jesus entered Jerusalem did he cleanse the temple that same day?

(a) Yes (Matthew 21:12)

(b) No. He went into the temple and looked around, but since it was very late he did nothing. Instead, he went to Bethany to spend the night and returned the next morning to cleanse the temple (Mark I 1:1- 17).

The Gospels say that Jesus cursed a fig tree. Did the tree wither at once?

(a) Yes. (Matthew 21:19)

(b) No. It withered overnight (Mark II: 20)

Did Judas kiss Jesus?

(a) Yes (Matthew 26:48-50)

(b) No. Judas could not get close enough to Jesus to kiss him (John 18:3-12)

What did Jesus say about Peter’s denial?

(a) “The cock will not crow till you have denied me three times” (John 13:38).

(b) “Before the cock crows twice you will deny me three times” (Mark 14:30) . When the cock crowed once, the three denials were not yet complete (see Mark 14:72). Therefore prediction (a) failed.

Did Jesus bear his own cross?

(a) Yes (John 19:17)

(b) No (Matthew 27:31-32)

Did Jesus die before the curtain of the temple was torn?

(a) Yes(Matthew27:50-5 1;MarklS:37-38)

(b) No. After the curtain was torn, then Jesus crying with a loud voice, said, “Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last (Luke 23:45-46)


2006-12-06 08:23:46 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 1 1

The bible is revealed knowledge about what God would say or do if we were able and capable of knowing.
By definition, the supernatural world is not penetrable to us. It's above nature. Apparently only God can pass through that divide. We can only do it when we are dead. Supposedly.

So we aren't able to know God and his world, we can only guess. When humans have a problem, the best Catholic guessers get together and when that eventual "ah ha" moment comes, the apparent best answer, they say God revealed this knowledge to them. And they can update the latest edition of the Bible.
So as you can see; many things as time goes on tend to contradict previous "ah ha" revelations. Of course all this is nonsense and our brains are perfectly capable of solving problems using real logic and reason. God doesn't exist.
Once you accept the idea of a Profit and the idea of revelation all bets are off, anything goes, and anyone can be a Profit of "The Truth".
BTW - God revealed this knowledge to me. Send me all you're money so I can build a New Church in his name.

2006-12-06 08:30:45 · answer #3 · answered by Real Friend 6 · 0 2

It is not contradiction it is related and supporting to each passages. Let the holy spirit guide you in understanding the passages for every passages are new each day. For reading for the sake of reading is different from knowing the inner message what the bible wanted to relay. For their are times that you understand and comprehend this way but as you go thru and dig deeper what does it means to say will be different again the day you will read again.

2006-12-06 08:26:30 · answer #4 · answered by Alfredo S 2 · 1 1

I have heard this statement a lot, funny thing is when I ask,show me the contradictions,please, there are none that can, so if you can and I do wish you would show me one place of contradiction,just one-any-just allow me the one contradiction-show me in the Bible just one.

2006-12-06 08:26:48 · answer #5 · answered by spin3305 2 · 1 1

All scripture was written by men who were inspired of God !
and all scripture is GOOD of instruction in righteousness. to teach the ways that that lead to Godliness and perfection.
The bible was written by men and each person believed different things according to their own veiws on life and the circumstances that formed those opinions!
Jews and Muslims arent any closer to God than christians and catholics in knowing the truth, if this is true NO one can TEach the truth because No One knows the truth.

2006-12-06 08:21:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

any book written over 1600 years by 40 people will have contradictions just because of time, translation and interpretation. you have to look at the Bible a a whole, not just different parts, to fully appreciate the message and study it ...

2006-12-06 08:21:05 · answer #7 · answered by The walker 3 · 1 1

Are you referring to the Bible or to the New Testament? The Bible came from G-d, the Christian bible was written by man...

2006-12-06 09:43:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work.

2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
2Th 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

2006-12-06 08:20:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

There are no contradictions in the Bible.It is only a lack of understanding that prompts people to assume that there are.

2006-12-06 08:42:11 · answer #10 · answered by lillie 6 · 0 1

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