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dentist? pair of plier? or something more creative? let see who has the best!

2006-12-05 23:10:28 · 14 answers · asked by some1inbetween 2 in Health Dental

14 answers

tak a piler and pluck out ur teeth out. (mah bro tried and suceded wen he was young).mmmmmmm i guess u wont B able 2 do so , so tak help of ur elder

2006-12-05 23:13:43 · answer #1 · answered by hum apke hai kaun 2 · 0 2

HAHA my grandma would put a string around the tooth, she would say im just going to jiggle it a lil bit to see how loose the tooth is. The second she grabbed that piece of string she would pull really hard and by the time I realized what she did, my tooth was already pulled out. I didnt feel a thing.

2006-12-06 11:28:45 · answer #2 · answered by Grace 4 · 0 0

My mum was super freaked by my wobbly teeth, my dad kept telling me that the quicker they came out, the sooner the tooth mouse would come. My dad also got me to watch this TV show where a guy stood at the top of the stairs, attached a string to his tooth and a toaster to the other end and threw the toaster over the stairs. disgusting

my dentist pulled 1 out without anaestetic and 2 adult teeth out with anaestetic, but only gave me 2 foam things to block the bleeding so after a few minutes, i was dribbling blood in a sick bag. my orthodontist (dentist who puts in braces) ripped out a tooth wit out plyers, with her bare hands with no anaestetic and then laughed when i was spewing from all the blood that i was spitting out. she was such a butcher.

once i was eating cereal and my tooth actually turned so that the back was facing the front. then my dad did yank it out.

2006-12-06 10:56:11 · answer #3 · answered by Me 2 · 0 0

The first time they held me down and my father reached into my mouth- since it was wide open due to me screaming my head off, and pulled it out with his fingers. The next morning, I discovered that the tooth fairy has left me some MONEY! After that, they never had to hold me down to pull another tooth. If I found out that one of my teeth seemed to be loose, I would work it and work and work it until it finally broke free from the gumline and went straight to my bedroom to put that tooth under my pillow because I knew I was getting some more MONEY in the morning! This would excite me almost as much as Santa coming. Woo hoo!
It is amazing what goes through a child's mind; do you not agree?

2006-12-06 07:58:12 · answer #4 · answered by rosey 7 · 0 2

my dad used to use the "when I was young, my dad would tie a piece of string to my tooth and to the door handle and then slam the door and rip my tooth out - if you dont let me take it out we'll have to tie some string around it!" worked a charm :) that and the concept of the tooth fairy / mouse who would leave money under my pillow in exchange for the tooth.

2006-12-06 07:18:39 · answer #5 · answered by supagrrrl84 5 · 0 0

Wow, after reading the responses so far, I must have been raised by angels!

If it was just loose, my parents would let it just work it's way out. If it was painful, a peanut butter sandwich on half a bagel worked wonders.

2006-12-06 08:58:37 · answer #6 · answered by north79004487 5 · 1 0

My mom used to tie my tooth to a piece of cotton and the other end of the cotton to the door, then count to three and slam the door, voila!

It sounds bad, but it was better than going to the dentist!!!

2006-12-06 07:21:03 · answer #7 · answered by Jade22 3 · 0 1

my dad had a tiny pair of slip-joint pliers...like water-pump pliers. he'd just yank em out.
my kids pulled their own out when they felt the tooth was ready to come out. one son had a tooth come out on a carmel apple. lol.

2006-12-06 07:20:51 · answer #8 · answered by pirate00girl 6 · 0 1

My mom tied one end of the string on my tooth and the other end on the handle of the front door.. she counted to three and slammed it shut. Two things occurred...

1) She actually slammed it on two not three....

2) my tooth was yanked out of my mouth and bounced on the walls for like 3 minutes...

it took another week to actually find the tooth...

2006-12-06 07:13:49 · answer #9 · answered by Jeeves 2 · 0 2

my parents would actually tie a long string on my tooth and the other end goes on the back of our motorcyle. then my dad will drive away when everyone's holding me!!

and another time was when they tied it again but this time on the window, and then held my hands and threatened me that they were gonna burn me with a flat iron so i just keep on backing up till it comes out.

2006-12-06 07:43:46 · answer #10 · answered by shockwavegen 1 · 0 1

My parents never removed my wobbly teeth! They used to jsut tell me to wiggle the tooth with my tongue until it eventually falls out!!

2006-12-06 13:44:23 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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