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Anyone ever had highlights at a Super Cuts, Fantastic Sams,or Pro Cuts type place before? If so, how did it compare to the more expensive salons?
I'm considering having it done because it'll be about $50 cheaper and I figure, how hard can it be? I mean, I know plenty of people who do decent highlights at home.
But I'm wanting to get advice from someone who has used a lesser expensive salon.
Good or bad experiences will be appreciated. Thank you!

2006-12-05 15:40:24 · 5 answers · asked by PT C 2 in Beauty & Style Hair

5 answers

stylists at more expensive salons make more money for a reason. they go to more conferences where they learn all the latest trends. they do more than just the basics that other stylists may do. it is more of a career & taken more seriously on a higher level.

i havn't had my hair colored done at a cheaper place, but i have had haircuts there. the difference in my hair cuts is HUGE!!! i never want to go back to my $10 hair cuts again! i have only had my hair highlighted by my mom versus my really expensive stylist. let me just say, there is a MASSIVE difference! my stylist is awsome, though.

2006-12-05 15:45:17 · answer #1 · answered by christy 6 · 1 0

My highlights cost me $125 at an expensive salon with a color specialist. It faded 3 weeks later. I wasn't happy but I was told it can happen even in a cheaper salon.

Hon, everyone who does hair all went to the same schools, no different, and the products are all the same. Go for the lesser amount, it's still guaranteed no matter where you go.

2006-12-05 15:43:41 · answer #2 · answered by Barbara 5 · 1 1

If you want a happy medium, try hairdressing schools, and apprentice nights.

Those up and coming hairdressers need clients to practice and harness their coloring, cutting and styling techniques on. They're all fully supervised and incredibly cheap. Most upmarket salon chains have their own training academies and schools that can service you for less than $30.

Most will have you sign some sort of waiver, just in case they botch it, but that *rarely* happens. Like I said, they are fully supervised by fully qualified professionals, if you're lucky these pros will take over your styling to teach their students some new techniques or improve them.

I went to one of these academies in Sydney, Australia. I paid $30 for a full color and half-head foils. The 'master' hairdresser actually *took over*, so, I got a $30 color job from a lady who normally charges $150++!!

Look up your local salons and chains and find out more about what they offer.

I think it's a safer option than going to a stylist that obviously didn't make the 'cut'.

2006-12-05 18:26:57 · answer #3 · answered by Dolores S 3 · 2 1

I work at a full service spa, I have a friend I went to beauty school with that works at super cuts. I figured because we went to the same school she knew how to do color. So one day I went there and asked her to do my regrowth. The color I use is similar to bleach (my hair is platinum blonde). So she did it and overlapped my old color which is the worst thing to do ... my hair came out in chunks! No Lie, you literally heard my damp hair hit the floor . I had that alfalfa thing for a while thats how bad it broke off.
To answer your question I think you get what you pay for. Most of those types of salons usually get customers that just want haircuts (color their hair themselves) So many of the stylists don't have that much experience with color.
Don't get me wrong I'm sure there are some stylists that work in those salons that know what they are doing.

2006-12-05 15:52:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I did my spotlight at domicile...nicely its extra like a streak. It grow to be far extra inexpensive. you only hafta understand a lil approximately the thank you to place highlights. i understand my aunt is a stylist, and he or she costs $one hundred twenty five for classic highlights. It relies upon on the dimensions of your hair for her. maximum salons dnt care how short your hair is, and could attempt to overcharge or decrease in the adventure that your hair is long. I spent approximately $30. and that i admire My streak

2016-10-14 03:02:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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