Why do you ask? Most conditioners contain Lauryl or Cetyl Alcohol which come in wax form. When you tell me why you want to know I will be in a better position to answer your question.
***UPDATE: BTW, my boyfriend is answering this one. He is actually a chemist for a very large professional hair care manufacturer.
Unless you tell me why you want to know, I can't give you an accurate answer to your question. And if anyone thinks that Professional products (at salons) are tested more than OTC products, I've got news for you...it's the opposite. OTC is regulated, professional is not.
2006-12-05 15:38:16
answer #1
answered by fly_girl_pc12 2
are you asking this because your hair stylist said this and then tried to sell you some professional product? chances are your stylist is absolutley right. most OTC (over the counter) products do have wax in them, because it makes your hair feel good immediately, but the long term affects are awful. wax coats your hair, and then when you use any type of heat on your locks, (even just going in the sun) whether it be a blow dryer, flat or curling iron- it is like putting your hair in a skillet or candle wax. your stylist was not just trying to sell you a line of bull crap. salon products are tested over and over and over again before they are ever allowed to be used on hair. OTC products have no regulations and sometimes even use oven cleaners to get their desired results- yeah, never use prell!! also- no pantene pro v., no VO5 hot oil treatments- those are awful- again you might as well just stick your hair in a skillet. i know sometimes it feels like professional can be expensive, but look for sales and discounts, and actually, salon products are far more concentrated than any other OTC products, so you don't have to use as much- But remember, if it is not at a salon- if it is at a drug store, but is a salon brand- most of the time they dilute it and sometimes it has been tested to have bacteria in it. there is a reason it is not being sold at a salon. that is why it is only guarenteed when it is sold in a professional salon. I never believed in good products until i started using them myself- and my hair has never felt better!!- NO MORE AUSSIE :o)
2006-12-05 20:13:12
answer #2
answered by ericar 2
yes , but some OTC stuff does. Don't use pantene- it has wax .
2006-12-05 15:40:29
answer #3
answered by srstephens 4
I would think not
2006-12-05 15:33:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous