My pubic hair head sister!! I have the exact same thing. I hate is too.
Try Frizz Ease.
Good stuff. Cheap too. I swear by it. It really works.
Try "Refresh" conditioner, "Downplay" on damp hair to illiminate puffiness, and "Secret Weapon" for dry hair fly aways. Try these if nothing else, you won't be sorry. The "Serum" works well too. Get extra strength and put in on when your hair is soaking wet. The shampoos and conditioners are miraculous, try them, I have dandruff and don't use the shampoo, but they are so worth it.
When your hair is dry, use a curling iron on the most crinkly spots, or hot rollers if you have an all over problem. The bigger the roller, the straighter your hair will be. Give it some time. With the iron, wait until the rolled up hair is too hot to touch. With rollers, leave them in as long as you can before you have to leave the house.
Once your all done curling, put on the Secret Weapon. Rub it between your fingers and "pull" it through the layers of your hair. Smooth it over the top when your done. Put it in your purse for touch ups during the day.
Use a light hairspray. IF you still have flyaways, LIGHTLY pat them down.
STOP FUSSING WITH IT. When it looks OK, leave it alone. Stop stressing and leave it.
Save up for a good cut. Don't go to Super cuts. Spring for a nice cut (around $40). Look for a hair stylist with hair like yours. She will know exactly how to cut it and give you styling tips. Just say no to her trying to sell you salon product, you've already found the best in Frizz ease, trust me!
DON'T put mayo or eggs on your hair. It's pointless.
DON'T blow dry. That's advanced hair styling! LOL! You need lessons on how to do it correctly without looking like a Christmas tree when your done. I can tell you with lots more typing if your interested. Let me know.
2006-12-05 14:51:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hello...I have tiny hair too, and I use a water base wax from Garnier Fructise and it works wonderfully! It only cost about 3 dollars, and only use a small dime size dallop or it will make your hair look like it hasn't been washed in weeks if you use too much. Just rub the wax between your hands to warm it up, and to help it go on smoother, and then just massage it to the top of your hair then style like usual. I woulr recommend that you apply it after you shower that way it'll be easier to style. If you have long frizzy hair, or just crazy strands that are stubborn, I would recommend using Dove Anti Frizz lotion...about 3-4 pumps and massage it into wet hair, then blowdry, then part your hair in half then another pump of the lotion and smooth it over your hair. Those two products work wonderfully together for me and it should cost you no more that $10
Good luck!
2006-12-06 11:37:25
answer #2
answered by Lucy_Goosy 4
first of all dont air-dry your hair it makes it frizzier, blow dry it. Then straighten the parts that are frizzy and use a heat-damage spray like V05 Miracle Mist (before straightening). Then once your hair is straight, use Dove Smooth and Soft Anti-Frizz cream. Spread it out on your hands first (dont use too much, your hair might end up being greasy looking) and then just run it through your hair and then comb your hair to spread the cream out. DONT USE GEL anti frizz stuff it makes your hair greasy. Vo5 has really cheap and good stuff. ALSOOO...the BEST shampoo for frizz (thats really cheap) is Herbal Essences NOne Of YOur Frizzness - its in a red bottle.
I know i just wrote a lot...but i hope it helpssss
2006-12-05 22:33:10
answer #3
answered by i<3snow 1
I have naturally curly hair, and so does my daughter, we use Enfusium 23. I have used it for years. I've tried other things, but Enfusium 23 is very good for curly and frizzy hair. Try the leave-in treatment, it's (depending where you live) about $5. You can buy it at Walmart. Just spray it on after you wash and condition and leave it in. They make a certain one for frizzy hair, it has a red label. Hope I could help in some way.
2006-12-05 22:31:19
answer #4
answered by Bobbi 5
Try the Herbal Escenses Frizz Shampoo and Conditioner. It works like a charm and it's quite reasonable in the price range.
2006-12-05 22:28:48
answer #5
answered by Hannah 2
Get "Dove" Frizz leave in Conditioner. It's called something else but it's by dove so just look where all the Dove products are.
I used to have it and it works real good..for that day have to reapply when ever you get done having a shower.
2006-12-05 22:26:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
well if you're on a budget try doing it your self. sounds nasty but use mayo or raw eggs to treat you hair,put it in after you shampoo it the cover it up with a shower cap and leave it on for 1 1/2 hours do that once every week see what happens
2006-12-05 22:45:29
answer #7
answered by Im Just Blessed 2
Have you tried using a light weight relaxer on your hair, that might help to control fizz and your pubic hair front. good luck
2006-12-05 22:33:11
answer #8
answered by knappylocsdiva 2
a lllllllllllllloooooooooottttttt! of hairspray!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-12-05 22:43:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous