I recommend you not to get it professionaly trimmed, if you want to keep your hair long. Sometimes, they go overboard, and split ends aren't ALWAYS at the END of your hair. They grow. Jason hair products are fantastic, and you can find them at the Vitamin Shoppe. Try the Jason Biotin shampoo and conditioner. Biotin is essential for preventing split ends. Also, try to use scrunchies (as tacky as they are) rather than bands. Air dry your hair, and use a comb instead of a brush to untangle your hair. Using your fingers is even better. Try not to douse your hair with shampoo, because that causes unecessary drying, and it strips your hair of it's much needed oils.
Hope that helps!
2006-12-05 14:17:43
answer #1
answered by Ciscandra 2
try a good conditioner (perhaps something specifically for split ends). You also want to keep the ends of your hair trimmed above the split about every 2 to 3 months (depending on how fast it grows). If the split is severe you might need to cut an inch or so to begin with. Keep your hair moisturized if you use a lot of hot instruments (curling irons, hot irons, flat irons etc.....). These instruments can damage and dry out hair through heat.
You will not see immediate results but by 2 or 3 months you should see the splits becoming smaller and then gone for good. Best of luck.
2006-12-05 13:51:02
answer #2
answered by Faile 2
I have been a hairdresser for 15 yrs and the only way to keep it from breaking off is to get it trimmed often and make sure you are using a good shampoo and conditioner. Also, do not use a brush on wet hair, use a wide tooth comb or a pick. You may want to try a leave in conditioner. If that doesn't seem to work I would try a multi vitamin, your hair maybe needing some nutrients.
2006-12-05 13:48:53
answer #3
answered by rdncgirl 2
the most important thing to remember is even if you are growing your hair out a regular trim is necessary... keep it trimmed and use great products.. dont over dry, or over use curling irons/flat irons. protect your hair as much as possible. but if you dont trim it regularly nothing you do will matter... only a trim will get rid of split ends. Damaged hair is damaged.. nothing can change that - condition treatmetns may help it from getting worse, and make it look better but nothing will cure the damage that is already done.....split ends will travel up the hair shaft until they are cut off.. nothing will change that. A little bit of a trim will go a long way every 4 - 6 wks. :)
2006-12-05 13:50:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
First, get a trim to get rid of the unsightly split-ends. Make sure when u wash yr hair, don't put shampoo all the way to the ends of yr hair. just apply shampoo to the scalp, and wash as usual. When you rinse off, the ends will be taken care of as well. Make sure to follow with a conditioner, and if possible, use intensive repair mask once a week. When you towel dry, do not rub yr hair in the towel. Just press the towel onto yr hair to dry it. Takes up more drying time, but saves yr hair. Try to minimise blow drying with a hair dryer, but if you have to, then use a cooler setting, and make sure you don't hold the hair dryer too near your hair. Oh, and drink lots of water. It helps to replenish moisture in your body, and hair too!
2006-12-05 13:53:08
answer #5
answered by Princess C 2
Frequent trips to the salon to get your ends trimmed, you should go once every three months. And of course if you blow dry your hair too often, or use a flat or curling iron that would cause split ends too so try to not do it as often.
2006-12-05 13:51:08
answer #6
answered by danigirlusn 3
If you are intentionally growing your hair longer, you need to have regular hair cuts to keep it healthy. At least every 6 - 8 weeks - maybe even sooner than that. Damage will be caused from heat sources too - hairdryers/straightening irons etc...Good conditioning treatments will help but you can't beat a good hair cut! Cheers! Good Luck to you and your locks!
2006-12-05 13:51:21
answer #7
answered by babyblues_752001 3
Always a combination. Get a trim every month. Eat dark green vegetables and drink lots of water for hair (and skin and nail) health. Avoid heating tools. Try Infusium 23 for dry damaged hair! It's a top ranked product. See this source for why. http://www.beautyqa.com/top3.php
2006-12-05 18:58:40
answer #8
answered by Apricot 2
Get it trimmed every 4-6 weeks and try not to use to many products like gel and hair sprays, they have a lot of alcohol in them and dry out the hair. also use anti breakage and moisturizing shampoo. Also try not to use heat (dryers, flat irons or curlers) too often and when you do use heat protectant
2006-12-05 13:48:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
To aviod split ends get regular trims
2006-12-05 13:48:28
answer #10
answered by Anonymous