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i need help finding the name of a haircut my friend told me its called the devils line but i looked and i cant find it well ill tell u how it is (sorry if im not expecific i just dont know how to explain it) well you shave your head (not bald) and like the lines on your back front and sides are not as shaved as the whole head so it makes it look darker and thats all i can say...sorry im not being expecific.

2006-12-05 13:12:45 · 1 answers · asked by maxi 4 in Beauty & Style Hair

1 answers

You probably don't need the name of a haircut, you could just walk into the hair salon and ask one of te cutters about it untill you're sure she knows what you want.Just tell her what you just told us!

2006-12-05 13:20:22 · answer #1 · answered by Popsicle 1 · 1 0

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