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I have seen it happen to people I know they are in a relationship of some sort and when they start to talk with someone online they leave who they are with for the one they've been talking to online. just curious as to why. how do these feelings come?

2006-12-05 06:55:18 · 9 answers · asked by lawtation777 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

9 answers

Sometimes peeps find it easy to feel something for another chatter cuz they haven't seen what they look like. If the convos are very interesting & the person wants to chat w/ them as much as the other person wants to chat w/ that person, then they can find stuff to talk bout. It happened to me. I was chatting w/ this one guy one night & was looking for someone my age & a girl told me that this chatter "ghostbear" was a guy. So I IM'ed him & we started chatting. I almost didn't tho cuz it was like she was telling me what to do. Anywayz, we started talking bout personal probs w/ our health & stuff like that. When he found out that I lied bout my name he got mad. We almost stopped being friends. We were even talking bout meeting each other. This was all within a mo. I'd get up @ bout midnight to meet him online lol :P He's 2 hrs behind me. The more you get to know a person, & the more you know buot them & the deeper the convos are, the more you get to know them & develop feelings for them. That's been my experence anywayz. I met him in a chat room in May '99 & we STILL chat ! We plan on meeting one day. He lives in Cali & I live in MB, Canada. If we didn't talk bout our personal probs wit our health, maybe I wouldn't have developed feelings for him. We almost stopped being friends. I apologized to him & even cried !!! :$ K well, that's my A... hope it's helped somewhat... I suggested to him that we try to meet in '09 (10 yrs after we "met" online) but I wanna take a trip to BC in a few yrs.. I've never been outta da prov so I dunno. He saved up $700 one time to come up here to meet me. He ended up spending that $ cuz he got mad @ me one time & said that he should leave me alone that night. I said that I was gonna block him too. I left him a msg eventually (cuz he never showed up online again, I just blocked him for da night, but he blocked & deleted me I guess...) & he spent a few hundred fr dat $. Since he's taking it seriously (us meeting) I'm not sure bout meeting him anymo... prob cuz I can get to if he'd come to Canada to meet me. Also cuz I don't like him like that anymo. I consider him to be "just a friend" now. Hope that helped.

A cuz of mine met her bf online & had 2 kids together, been together for like 6 yrs & are MARRIED now. She got lucky... A cuz of mine decided to meet her online friend, they went out & they had a baby... they're no longer together. She has a new bf who lets her go out whenever she wants cuz he'll watch her son (who's a yr old on Dec 14th or so). A lady who lived in the community where I used to live here in MB moved to FL w/ her 2 kids & left her husband for him !!! No idea if they're still together. How could he like her ??? I think she's UGLY... :s

2006-12-05 07:20:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That is because when people go onto the Internet or chatrooms, they are probably looking for a new friend, companion, or even a particular other [boyfriend, girlfriend]. When they meet someone who they have a lot in common [which happens often], they start to develop feelings expecting the person to be what they wanted [wo/man of their dreams]. They expect everything to go well, but honestly I've SEEN and BEEN through internet relationships and they're pathetic, and never last more than two months.
The person on the other end of the line is most probably some 50-year-old man toying with the young people, who are unsure of what they want and what's right OR wrong. People develop feelings because they believe that there's something special going on, when it's really just a bunch of text going back and forth between two people. Unless you know this person in real life, don't expect or try to get close. It may hurt [blah blah], but you'll get over it.
Not worth wasting your feelings on something that's really not there. Who knows? There might actually be a special someone there with you right now, in real life and off the pixelated world of the intenet.
Xan, signing off.

2006-12-05 07:04:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I met my boyfriend over the Internet and I've been with him for 2 and a half years. I used to live in England and he lived in Wales, after over a year of chatting on the Internet and really getting close we knew we had to do something so we met. i was living wiv my family at the time and he came to mine for a week then i went to his. When i got back home we knew we had to get together again and now i live wiv him and his family in wales. I don't mean to sound corny but this could really be an opportunity to be in an amazing relationship or if not a strong friendship. When all you can do is talk you really do find out what a person is like so i believe she could well mean it when she says she loves you. I think you should go for it, but I think you should go out there with a friend or something, a group would be better so you can leave them without it being a problem. I had my family around when i met my bloke, if i didn't i could have been pretty risky. Maybe you should try getting her over to you if your worried. Whatever you do Good Luck and I hope this helped, You may regret it if you don't do something x

2016-05-22 21:46:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

because u take the time out 2 get the know the person, Now about leaving the person you are with 4 a chat buddy is something i never heard of. But u do began 2 develope feelings when u r getting 2 know a person a little better, they make u feel special because they are there listening 2 u and u can talk 2 them about anything

2006-12-05 07:04:59 · answer #4 · answered by Kiwi 2 · 0 0

because online, people can say things that they can't say in person without being judged. they could express how they feel without the risk of being rejected. and if it so happened that the person on the other line can relate to the situation, they would form this 'bond' and this is where the feelings come from.

2006-12-05 07:02:33 · answer #5 · answered by speak_your_mind 3 · 0 0

It is the trill of meeting somebody new....just like in dating when you start going out with someone, you are excited and you adrenaline is pumping but after a while things are normal and the romance slows down...chating is a false romantic rush....almost like a fix

2006-12-05 07:01:39 · answer #6 · answered by Jazey Baby 2 · 0 0

I think it's because you start getting to know some one and that starts a connection which can lead further down in to a bond.

2006-12-05 07:01:47 · answer #7 · answered by daydreamer 3 · 0 0

They're choosing fantasy over reality. Their loss!!

2006-12-05 06:59:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ye i feel the same--can we tak.........generoushous@yahoo.com

2006-12-05 07:10:16 · answer #9 · answered by Generoushous 2 · 0 0

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