it is because LOVE IS BLIND
2006-12-05 07:17:06
answer #1
answered by James_Bond 2
Actually it's the oppostie: Guys love girls exactly the way they are. In fact we never want them to change...which, instead, is exactly what they do. For example, ask any guy that's gotten married. Most often the very next day/week after they are married (if not sooner!) the woman will cut her hair, dye it, get a tatoo, start smoking...something really significant. Then the guy is like "What the hell!! Why did you change!! This Suucks!" :(
On the other hand, women see potential in men. Potential for men to become what THEY want them to be. So they don't love them for what they are now, they love them for what they hope or want them to be. When the guy never changes (we don't change!), the girl gets mad and leaves.
Then the cycle starts all over again with someone new for both of them....
2006-12-05 14:30:02
answer #2
answered by Michael JB 3
Some boys do. Not all are bad. You are probably attracted to the same type of personality in men. Change some of the ways you look and stick to your beliefs about things. DOn't settle for anything but what you want. You can't change people only yourself. The boys won't change.
2006-12-05 14:35:41
answer #3
answered by Snuffy Smith 5
Some do...but those that don't, it's primarily because they are 'boys' tend to be more mature and are more likely to dig chicks for who they are...
It's more often the gal tries to change the guy, than the other way around...
2006-12-05 14:26:47
answer #4
answered by . 7
because some boys(alot of them) are immature. also you may be going with the wrong guy. there are some really nice guys out there. you just gotta keep looking.
2006-12-05 14:29:00
answer #5
answered by JackieJaguar08 3
They totally do. Perhaps you keep dating the wrong guys. There are lots of nice guys out there.
2006-12-05 14:25:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
sounds like your dating the wrong guys.. and yeah usually the girl is the one who try's to change the guy..
2006-12-05 14:32:04
answer #7
answered by ? 7
- because some boys are still immature and closed minded
2006-12-05 14:25:24
answer #8
answered by leazngurl 5
because society has placed an idealized image into his head, and he is constantly comparing
2006-12-05 14:26:27
answer #9
answered by ladyjeansntee 4
Mine does, you just have to find the right one for you.
2006-12-05 14:29:31
answer #10
answered by lieselot h 3
they do, well i do anyway. We just want someone whos hot and has a good personality
2006-12-05 14:26:50
answer #11
answered by himynameisbrandon 2