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Me and my fiance are getting married on February 14th of next year. We decided to have a little wedding ta the courthouse with only Close friends and family.
Since i'm pretty new to this town, i really don't know anybody. I don't have any friends exept my fianc'es friends who are all guys.

Do i have to have bridesmaids or a Maid of Honor?
Can i ask my mother-in-law to be my maid of honor?
What about a male Maid of Honor?

What did you do? How many bridesmaids and/or maid of honor did you have?
Who was you maid of honor and who were your bridesmaids?

2006-12-05 06:05:15 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Weddings

27 answers

My husband and I have been married for 5 years and when we got married I did not have any brides maids or a maid of honor and he did not have a best man, We had our wedding in a church we just did not want to have A line on either side so we didn't. And our wedding turned out beautiful so if you don't want a line don't have one. and the other thing is if you want to have a line and all of your friends are males than have a male in your line. There are no LAWS to marriage it is your special day and I say that you do what you want and what you are comfortable doing. And congrats and best wishes.

2006-12-05 06:14:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't think there are any hard and fast rules. It's your wedding do what you want. I just wouldn't use any guys as a "maid of honor". You can however ask your Mother in law to be your matron of honor or your own mother. I had 3 bridesmaids and 1 matron of honor. childhood friends or sorority sisters and my husbands sister were in my party. My husband's father was his best man so family can be part of the party.

2006-12-05 14:08:53 · answer #2 · answered by party_pam 5 · 1 0

First, it's your wedding- do what you and your hubby-to-be want. You can ask your Mother in Law to be your maid of honor- it is whoever you want. My best girlfriend's hubby has his sister by his 'best man'. This is 2006 and people really have changed the rules up. No bridesmaids or 20, up to you. Make this day special for you and your hubby and have the people there that you want/need.

2006-12-05 19:18:55 · answer #3 · answered by Catherine G 1 · 1 0

You can do whatever you want. I bet your mother-in-law would be very touched if you asked her to be your maid of honor.
I am getting married this coming april, and I am having 1 matron of honor (my best friend) 2 bridesmaids (my brothers girlfriend, and my fiance's sister) so it will be family. and I am having my fiance's neice as a junior bridesmaid because my maid of honor is going to be very very pregnant for my wedding so the jr. bridesmaid can help me instead of my maid of honor.

2006-12-05 15:25:19 · answer #4 · answered by Megan B 2 · 1 0

As everybody else, said it's your wedding, you do whatever you want. I think your mother-in-law would be honored to be your maid (or matron if she's married) of honor. And my cousin had a male maid of honor and female "best man". It's all up to you.
My husband and I only had the maid of honor (my cousin) and best man (his brother), but we had a pretty decent sized wedding too. It was just less complicated that way.
Congrats! :)

2006-12-05 14:09:44 · answer #5 · answered by mld122979 2 · 2 0

I was in sort of the same boat, I was new in town and only had my husband's friends. We had a small wedding at a little chapel with about 40 people. I had one maid of honor and my husband had one best man. My maid of honor was a friend from my old hometown and she flew down for it. The best man was my husband's brother.

2006-12-05 14:09:13 · answer #6 · answered by smartypants909 7 · 2 0

There is no one saying you HAVE to have a bridesmaid or maid/matron of honor. And if you do, why not have a guy? One of my best friends is a guy and I would love to have him in my wedding.

2006-12-05 14:08:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

legally you only need 2 witnesses like maid of honor and best man they are the ones who sign the certificate you can ask anyone you wish to fill these positions its entirely up toyou. I got married in my apartment with 2 witnesses and 3 friends eloped and loved it just dont forget to take pictures of the entire dday youll want thoise and hey congrats enjoy your ceremony and have a happy life good luck

2006-12-05 14:10:28 · answer #8 · answered by Kara B 3 · 2 0

No, you don't have to have bridesmaids. You need two witnesses and I think they can be strangers like the judges secretary even. You can ask your mother-in-law or you can have a male witness, I had considered that. Choose somebody you'd like.

I had four bridesmaids and my sister-in-law was the matron of honor to please the family. It's one of the things I regret. I wish I had chosen another.

2006-12-05 14:15:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

no you don't have to have bridesmaids...u can have bridesmen! lol i know that sounds strange but at my friends wedding, she had a few bridesmaids but also some bridesmen. you don't have to have bridesmaids or a maid of honor...its ur wedding! if u want ur mom in law to be the maid of honor its up to you...if u want a man of honor than thats fine too...

2006-12-05 14:08:54 · answer #10 · answered by m3_mY$3Lf_! 4 · 2 0

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