well, there isn't much you can do but these tips might help. try going easy on the bulbs and other breakables so that if your cat does get in the ornements are ok. secure the breakable ornaments well. put less stuff on the bottom so your cat's attention is not so easily gotten. maybe squirt your cat with a squirt bottle when he/she touches the tree. also, consider putting out some extra toys and giving your cat extra entertainment elsewhere. but, ever since we've had cats they've been going for our christmas trees and we've never had worse than a broken bulb. hope it works out!
2006-12-05 03:06:23
answer #1
answered by sir'slady 4
If this is the first time they have seen one they will be very curious. I have done it this way do one step at a time, put up the tree and add lights. Wait a few days and add some ornaments but nothing that is breakable, or you would be upset if something happened to. Every time you see your cat messing with something tell them no and move them away, after a few times they will leave it alone (at least while you are around). Once your cat looses interest you can add on more ornaments if you like and your tree should be ok.
2006-12-05 03:12:39
answer #2
answered by kna0831 3
How do you keep a kid away from the chovolate cake?I mean a Christmas tree is the cat's favourite! Let her smell it, but when she wants to play with it, tell her NO, and take her to another place and give her her own toys. Show her what she can play with. Don't smack her, because she will think tjis is a good game that goes together with the Christmas tree. AND DON'T HAVE GLASS DECORATIONS, BECAUSE SHE MIGHT BREAK THEM AND EAT THEM AND DIE.
2006-12-05 03:06:37
answer #3
answered by cpinatsi 7
Get a spray bottle of water, and spray it at the cat every time he gets in the tree and say NO to him. We trained our cat with things we didn't want him to do by using a spray bottle. Eventually, we didn't have to spray him, he would just hear the pump on the spray bottle and that was enough for him to stop.
2006-12-05 03:06:48
answer #4
answered by ? 3
Use a squirt gun in your house, when you see your animal going towards the tree or trying to play in it - squirt them. We have 9 cats and this is the only way to do that. And, when you leave to ensure they don't get into it or knock it down - put them in the bathroom/etc with their box and food/water. :)
2006-12-05 03:12:57
answer #5
answered by kittyowner 1
Hide orange peel around the tree or put small tangerines on it. Cats hate citrus.
2006-12-05 04:41:39
answer #6
answered by debisioux 5
lol my cats are doing the same thing..its annoying..i yell at the girl all the time for knocking down the ornaments and chasin them across the house lol ..our boy cat just sleeps under it though.
2006-12-05 03:11:33
answer #7
answered by bloodthornedhate@sbcglobal.net 1
every cat has its fears. for example, mine fears the umbrella. so i put the umbrella under the tree, so I never had that kind of problem
2006-12-05 09:33:49
answer #8
answered by Simona 2
Surround you tree with barbed wire.
2006-12-05 03:08:21
answer #9
answered by Jotun 5
Smack him every time he gets in then if you keep smacking him he'll know not to go in the tree anymore!
2006-12-05 03:04:20
answer #10
answered by sam 2