Early Warning,.. I can't spell.
I was abused and had Post Trumatic Stress Syndrome,...
So some Psych thought it would brilliant to have me in some group with other girls "like me".
Well these girls were mean, aggrasive, destructive, pregnant, suicidal,.. homecidal.... etc. So I would break into hysteria whenever the attention was turned to me. After all they had pocket knives and beer bottles with a plan to hurt as many people in the room, dash down the hall and kill more of the staff,.. run out and hot wire a car,... go get their 20-something "boyfriend" and go kill some random relatives like their infant siblings for the hell of it.
I would say that was not a good matching. I was haveing NightTerrors and these teenagers were Nightmares.
Maybe that's not the worst thing that happened. A few years ago I was haveing an Anapholiactic Reaction (worst kind of allergic reaction) to a medications and people includeing Nurses told me I was and to immediately contact my doctor and blah blah blah. So I called my Psych and said or had someone say I was struggleing to breath and couldn't swallow fluids or the medication,... he said " Oh that's ashame. I would really perfer you keep takeing it as prescribed." It was a New Med and I had only taken one dosage and I was messed up for days.
2006-12-04 16:33:53
answer #1
answered by sailortinkitty 6
she passed judgement with something I told her and she freaked out and yelled at me, so now I don't tell her anything because I'm afraid she will jump down my back again. So since I keep it bottled up, I'm not getting the help I need or want. and due to insurance reasons, I can't go anywhere else. hope you have a better psychologist. I think she was totally wrong with what she did. If your having problems and not comfortable with yours, try to see some one else. good luck
2006-12-05 00:30:55
answer #2
answered by Zbears 1
I'm 50 now. When I was 21, the Dr. said I couldn't be an alcholic because I was too young, and a woman........ I wish he had told me the truth then, because I am....
2006-12-05 00:28:58
answer #3
answered by Kitty L 3
She would tell my mom everything I told her, and then yell at me in the sessions about how I should listen to my mom, and I was a bad kid...
2006-12-05 00:26:43
answer #4
answered by purplepartygirrl 4
Questioned me as to why I thought I needed him.? Shouldn't he be telling me if I needed him?!
2006-12-05 00:21:08
answer #5
answered by TS 3