I would only let him use his PSP an hour a day and have him use it in the family room until his grades improve.
Wow. What kind of school does your 9 year old go to that he has 17 different subjects? I have an 11 year old and a 14 year old and they only have 6 different subjects in middle school.
2006-12-04 14:13:00
answer #1
answered by cwo4wife 2
I guess I'm an exception here because this just doesn't sound like an issue. My oldest son is a night owl. That is just his natural cycle. We don't force the issue. He has a bedtime but that just means he has to have teeth brushed, jammies on and find a quiet activity. He is often in his bed with his gameboy. If we're lucky he is alseep by 10. My husband had the same problem as a child. He just couldn't sleep at night and was often up very late. He hasn't changed much. There are times I like to read in bed before going to sleep. I just don't think this kind of thing should be an issue. But I guess that is just me.
I am wondering how a 9 yr. old has 17 subjects in school!! That is incredible. And for having that many subjects I'd say he is doing quite well.
2006-12-05 07:06:43
answer #2
answered by Amelia 5
If you do not know if he has been playing with it every night, then really You can't say that this is the problem with his grades. I would take the game for tonight.
As for his grades, I will assume he is in 4th grade, and this seems to be a hard grade for everyone. K, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades are really the learning process of adjusting to school routines and rules along with learning to read,spell,basic math, and social skills. In 4th grade, other subjects are introduced along with more homework and at this time it is important to learn good study habits.
His grades aren't bad, B's are good, C's are average, but helping him now to figure out his weaknesses and how to improve these areas will help to bring up his grades and give him the assurance that he can prevail. First I would recognize the areas where he has done well, then I would focus on the areas where he needs help.
Concerning the incident with the playing in bed, you evidently corrected him, removed the game, and it should be over with, but it would be a good ideal to peek in on him for the next couple nights without saying anything unless he is caught playing.
2006-12-04 23:47:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
While I may not be a parent, I would also like to remind you that having a C average is not a bad thing. It means that your child has satisfactory knowlege of the subject, and is average. "A"s are reserved for the top best and brightest, "B"s are for the above average, "C"s are for the average students, "D"s are for the below average, and "F"s are for the students who either just don't get it, or just don't work.
While I think you were right to take away the game since he was playing it in bed without your permission (I have always grown up in a house where computers and video games were a treat, and one had to have permission to play them), I advise you not to punish him for having average grades. Please explain to your son that you are upset that he was playing the game not only past his bedtime, but also since he was playing it without asking your first.
I'd say anywhere from two days to a week is a suitable time for punishment. Any more than that and the lesson won't really sink in, and he may start searching around the house for it.
2006-12-04 22:18:22
answer #4
answered by snowfiregem 3
maybe you should put him to bed earlier if he wants to play his game say at 8 and only let him play it an hour. This is what i do with my daughter, i found she would prefer to stay up. But saying that, i have my children 5 and 8 go to bed at 7 30 on school nights, other wise they are too tired. I think your son is up too late, maybe he is tired and this is why his grades a lower. Sorry this is not a criticism, they are your children, just a thought. Not sure how long to keep it from him, till the weekend. Make it a weekend toy.
2006-12-04 22:17:40
answer #5
answered by lividuva 3
I have caught my daughter doing this as well. I took it away for a solid week. Now every day at bedtime, I check under her pillow, in her pillow, under and around her bed, and confiscate all things she might play with instead of sleeping. Now I don't even have to check anymore she comes and brings me the nintendo DS
2006-12-04 22:16:58
answer #6
answered by Answer Girl 3
I would ground him for a week from it...lock it up...then limit his access to it on weekends...after homework is finished for the rest of the school year....unfortunately these games tend to become very addictive, at nine, he may not have the sense to know that he is crossing unhealthy lines. I would not make a huge argument out of it, just simply say to him that you have made this decision, because you love him, and if he wants to have the weekend privilege, then he needs to step it up in school. Learning to be self disaplined is a great attribute in life. Good luck.
2006-12-04 22:16:11
answer #7
answered by catywhumpass 5
id just have a talk with him and say you know you not suppose to be playint games when your suppose to be a sleep, just talk with him....id hold the game for a couple of days let him have it back......really you cant blame the game for his grades cause you dont know how long he has been doing it.....id just have a good talk with him let him have the game back in a day or 2 then if you catch him again take it for a month(make sure he unstandes all this).....the game could have a impact on his grades but you really dont know, how long he has been doing it...
2006-12-04 22:17:46
answer #8
answered by jdog44442003 3
the more you are harsh the more problems arise. you tell them this is not going to help. give them time slots to play the hand-helds but....the catch is, if and only if, they finish their daily lessons. make him understand he needs to 'earn' what he wants but don't go for very strict punishments. you see, kids are kids and are supposed to be taught things in a soft and patient manner! good luck ..and hey may be you can help him do his work initially and then make him do things correct on his own! all the best!
2006-12-05 01:54:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Until his grades are up. Talk to his teacher(s) and find out if he is turning in all his work and let him earn hours back until he gets to 12 then he is back on track at school and has learned the value of play.
2006-12-04 23:10:19
answer #10
answered by Walking on Sunshine 7