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I live alone so grocery shopping and cooking has been difficult. I've been buying bagged lettuce mainly for use on sandwiches. Since I'm the only one using it goes bad so quickly! It seems like such a waste. Any recomendations?

Same problem w/ bread...I wish they sold smaller loafs.

2006-12-04 02:33:33 · 5 answers · asked by TLynn 2 in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink

5 answers

I wash my lettuce and wrap it in paper towels and then put it in a zip lock bag. It keeps a little longer than just wrapping in plastic. For the bread problem, I freeze half the loaf when I bring it home.

2006-12-04 02:38:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can seal small portions of lettuce in sandwich bags - use the ones with zip locks...it will keep lettuce fresh three times longer....as for bread, break a loaf into 5 or 6 stacks, place in freezer bags, and freeze them. Use only what you need and keep the others frozen. With small quantities in each bag, they will thaw at room temperature in about 15 minutes....good luck

2006-12-04 02:38:27 · answer #2 · answered by stretch 7 · 0 0

bread you can freeze and leave to defrost and then warm it up in the oven and there you have fresh crisp bread again -meaning a half loaf or a full loaf. for sliced bread pack in zipper bags the amount you require each day and freeze. when you need to use them take out of freezer and leave to defrost . It doesnt take long or leave the frozen sliced bread in the refridgerator until the morning when you make the sandwiches.

lettuce discard the wilted leaves and wrap in kitchen towel place int tupperware bowl and put in fridge.

please note this is how i do my lettuce and bread and its just great


2006-12-04 03:30:10 · answer #3 · answered by Jonathan M 5 · 0 0

You can put the lettuce in a covered bowl of water like tupperware and keep it in the fridge. This helps, but also, try doing this with a head of lettuce....it's much cheaper than buying bagged lettuce.

As for the bread....I can relate....I waste so much bread it makes me scream! I think of all the people who would love to have my waste.....

2006-12-04 02:37:29 · answer #4 · answered by favrd1 4 · 0 0

wrapping lettuce in damp paper towl should help keep it longer.

2006-12-04 02:36:23 · answer #5 · answered by Chrispy 3 · 0 0

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