My first advice is to stay away from dialects :), because every Arabic country has a different one and sometimes different dialects in one country :D !
The standard Arabic is the best answer, because everyone is able to speak it and it's beautifull too ;) ..
At the begining try to learn the alphabets and the most used words then try to practice it with natives "by the standard not the dialect" and enjoy knowing this beautiful language :) ..
Check the website in the bottom :) ..
Good luck ..
2006-12-04 05:59:27
answer #1
answered by Moho 2
Best Arabic To Learn
2016-12-17 12:58:55
answer #2
answered by bate 4
hi! I'm from Iraq and I speak the Iraqi dialect however if I were you I would stick to standard, formal arabic so that everywhere you go then all arabs will be able to understand you. If you would really like to learn a particular dialect, I suggest the Egyptian one because it it the most commonly understood. I don't recommend the Algerian or Morrocon dialects because they are extremely hard to understand, even for my parents because they mix french and arabic together. The Lebenese dialect is also commonly understood. It's up to you at the end of the day! Just have fun and good luck! bye!xxx
2006-12-05 05:06:19
answer #3
answered by don't stop the music ♪ 6
There are so many different dialects of Arabic that there isn't a "best dialect." The dialect varies from countries to other countries. For example, my parents speak Iraqi Arabic but do not understand all Arabic words spoke in Lebanon, and understand Moroccan Arabic the least. It all depends on which country you wish to have a dialect from.
2006-12-04 14:50:10
answer #4
answered by ImAssyrian 5
Standard Arabic will help you read books and newspapers. So that would be the "best" dialect to learn.
Dialects differ even in the one country. The "easiest" dialect to learn and the "widely" understood would be this of Egyptians living in Cairo and Giza. (centeral Egypt).
Though if you learn Egyptian dialect you will go through hard time trying to understand the dialects say from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia the most. And will take you some time to get used to the other dialects.
2006-12-04 02:11:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Learn Arabic With Rocket Arabic!
2016-07-14 05:50:36
answer #6
answered by ? 4
As Arabic is a vast and widely spoken language, there are many differences in the many dialects it has.
It's best to learn the standard Arabic of which everyone can understand. It will then be easier to learn dialects from different areas.
2006-12-03 22:26:20
answer #7
answered by Aaron_J88 2
It depends on where you are planning to practise it. Egypt ion dialect is well understood by most Arabs so as that of the Shams (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan). I would recommend that you study classical Arabic. It is the language of the Holy Quraan and thus understood by all Arabs.
Good Luck on your study
2006-12-03 21:12:17
answer #8
answered by myoyr0 1
Depends on why you want to learn arabic as to which dialect you want to learn..
If you are planning a trip to Egypt, learn theirs
If you want to go to Dubai, learn theirs
or maybe find someone to teach you pure arabic with no dialect,, a standard to which all use.. (like the newspaper press use)
2006-12-03 21:09:18
answer #9
answered by Mintee 7
Dialect? Arabic is a language, you can find some differences between the arabic that egyptians talk with the one from syria, or between the lebanese arab and the jordanian, but is all the same language.Is same as english from UK and english from USA.
Is same as spanish from Spain and spanish from another country in southamerica.
You can learn the formal and educated arabic, and the informal one.
The formal is the same for every arab country.
The informal changes according with the slang of each country.
The best?....It only depends on you. There are differences in the pronounciation, but basically u'll understand well.
Why??? i dont know if there is a reason.......I think that you can learn the slang you like more.
Lebanese slang has many french words on it.
It's ur choice.
2006-12-03 21:16:00
answer #10
answered by حلاَمبرا hallambra 6