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Recently, i notice i eat a lot MORE than I used to. I dunno how it happened. When i finish eating, i crave for something tasty and delicious, and in attempt to eat something that taste good i eat something else a lot more.

is this overeating or wut is it? I also realized im MORE hungry than ever these days, is it cuz my eating habits r bad?

2006-12-03 14:29:27 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

1 answers

Simply, Yes it is overeating. But there may be an underlying reason. I have noticed that (me and some friends) act the same way, I know that I have a reflux problem and the stomach bile entering the lower part of my esophagus causes a simular "I'm starving" command to my brain.

I'm not 'really' hungry but my brain insists I am!

They are uncontrollable hunger pangs which are triggered off by hyperacidity.( according to a website.)

Check these out!

2006-12-03 14:51:50 · answer #1 · answered by shemida1 2 · 0 0

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