Hi there... I know everyone wants to know about Jihad.. U see Jihad is actually to resist the worldly temptations to become a better muslim... to do all the good deeds ordered by Allah(swt)... Now, Jihad in terms of fighting is applied only and only when you or your country is under some foreigners attack... so for self defense you are to go to war... Islam clearly condemns killing the innocent, men, women or children without any reason... But, recently some extremists have edited the meaning of Jihad as it pleased them... deleted the part 'if attacked by a foreigner'.. and applied the rest... So, I wouldn't consider them muslims... nope... they could have used all their love for the religion that they claim into better things... like education for their fellow beings, upliftment of poor etc... So, Jihad is being misused...
2006-12-03 14:26:44
answer #1
answered by Sunnydays_r_here_again 3
Jihad has many meanings or interpretations.
Some define it literally as "Holy War" with the emphasize on the word "war" which is not accurate.
For knowledgeable Muslims, Jihad is never meant to be "going to war blindly and kill people whoever the Muslims like"
To knowledgeable Muslims, Jihad refers to spiritual development. Today we should be a better person than yesterday and tomorrow we should be better than today.
Because Jihad has a deeper spiritual meaning, the following actions are also considered jihad:
1) Improving your family's economy;
2) Improving your country's economy;
3) Improving yourself to become a better person
4) And many positive acts
Hence, to many Muslims, it is not appropriate to use the word "jihad" to refer to general war or terrorism.
If you are referring to the current wars that have happened or still happening in this world, then the majority of Muslims view may be generally divided into two:
1. Basically fighting and killing people without a just cause is bad.
2. Anyone has the right to defend his country if his country is attacked by outside force or other country. People who defend their country should not be labelled as terrorists.
Having said that, Muslims who want to defend their country must adhere to the Islamic Law in engaging war such as the Muslim soldiers are prohibited from killing innocent people, women, children and old men.
2006-12-03 22:36:39
answer #2
answered by True Peace 2
jihad is very diffrent then how the media puts it. there are many types of jihads, inner and outer. if u are tempted to smoke and u know that it is haram(forbidden) and u stop urself, thats ur jihad. as for the fighting, when someone attacks islam/muslims/country and u fight back thats jihad. what these muslims who are doing jihad are protecting their families, relatives, loved ones, people, and country. they are being attacked and they are trying to protect theirselves and for doing that they are called terrorist doing jihad. that is said by the media. please try to understand the true meaning of it. may allah help us all. take care. :)
2006-12-03 22:22:59
answer #3
answered by covered beauty 3
jihad has a lot of different ways , before a great fight a person came to the prophet mohamed asking to join the gehad but the prophet mohamed refused because that person had his old parents with no one to take care of them but him , so the prophet mohamed told him that taking care of his parents is a better jihad ..
and it is known that fighting the own person's bad ideas and needs is the highest and the most difficult form of jihad..
but i think you are asking about the fighting way of jihad , jihad is only to be announced when you're country or religion is to under attack not to attack , it is about defending your thoughts and beliefs and country..
2006-12-03 22:10:37
answer #4
answered by m_elnakib 2
A Global war (The greatest Jihad is actually inner struggle) is not Islamic. People are only to fight those who fight them first or if they are being oppressed in their lands. That is the limits God has bestowed on obedient Muslims. Muslims who wage wars to strike fear in the hearts of innocent people, people who have not caused harm to them, will suffer a great punishment. Muslims are allowed to defend themselves, but strickly only in self defense or fighting against tyranny. Any other acts of war is a sin.
Rules of War*
[2:190] You may fight in the cause of GOD against those who attack you, but do not aggress. GOD does not love the aggressors.
[2:191] You may kill those who wage war against you, and you may evict them whence they evicted you. Oppression is worse than murder. Do not fight them at the Sacred Masjid, unless they attack you therein. If they attack you, you may kill them. This is the just retribution for those disbelievers.
[2:192] If they refrain, then GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
[2:193] You may also fight them to eliminate oppression, and to worship GOD freely. If they refrain, you shall not aggress; aggression is permitted only against the aggressors.
[2:194] During the Sacred Months, aggression may be met by an equivalent response. If they attack you, you may retaliate by inflicting an equitable retribution. You shall observe GOD and know that GOD is with the righteous.
[2:195] You shall spend in the cause of GOD; do not throw yourselves with your own hands into destruction. You shall be charitable; GOD loves the charitable.
How Terriosits think who do terrorists acts in the name of Islam
[2:8] Then there are those who say, "We believe in GOD and the Last Day," while they are not believers.
[2:9] In trying to deceive GOD and those who believe, they only deceive themselves without perceiving.
[2:10] In their minds there is a disease. Consequently, GOD augments their disease. They have incurred a painful retribution for their lying.
[2:11] When they are told, "Do not commit evil, (terror, etc..)" they say, "But we are righteous!"
[2:12] In fact, they are evildoers, but they do not perceive.
2006-12-03 23:53:38
answer #5
answered by Muse 4
jihad is actually supposed to be an internal thing, a war against YOURSELF and the temptations of the world, not the world itself.
stupid fundamentalists! :(
2006-12-03 22:08:23
answer #6
answered by Neha S 3
There are a great many untruths and half-truths about jihad today. But the Koran is clear. It contains numerous verses that state in no uncertain terms that unless a Muslim takes up arms against the infidels, he is not a true Muslim and has no part in the paradise promised to Muslims. The question is complicated by the fact that there are also many contradictory verses in the Koran. One of the verses most quoted by Muslims in conversation with Christians is :"There shall be no compulsion in reliigion". Most believe these verses date from the early period of Mohammad's career, when he still harbored the hope that Jews and Christians would freely accept his "prophetic" status.
Unfortunately this relatively pacifist version of Islam, was superseded during Mohammad's lifetime. Later in the Prophet's career he turned furiously on the Jews and Christians who rejected him, and began to preach that they must be conquered by force.
From the earliest days of Islam, Muslims have acted on these commands. First Mohammad unified the Arabian peninsula under his rule and directed that all religions be forbidden there except Islam(followed by Saudi Arabia to this day).
Then the Muslims turned to the larger non-Muslim world. Muslim Arabia was surrounded by predominantly Christian lands, particularly the Byzantine imperial holdings of Syria, Palestine and Egypt. The Byzantine's great rival, Persia also had a significant Christian population. Mohamad himself made the first islamic overtures to these neighbours. He sent letters to the leaders of Persia, Byzantium and Abyssinia, exhorting them to "embrace Islam and you will be safe". None did, and Mohammad's warning proved accurate: none of them were safe. (from Arabian Muslims). In 635, 3 years after Mohammad's death, Damascus where St Paul had seen the great vision that turned him into an energetic follower of Christ, fell to the invading Muslims. Jerusalem fell two years later, in 638.
Then came the turn of Egypt, long a bastion of Christianity and home to the great saints of the early church - St Anthony, St Cyril and St Athanasius. Perhaps because there was so much resistance, the invaders were especially brutal.
Muslim armies then turned to Constantinople (now Istanbul) in 638 and 717, failing both times. Muslims rapidly swept through Christian North Africa, home of St Cyprian and St Augustine and by 711 were in position to invade Spain in Europe ( more than 300 years before any European Crusade in 1095, that initially started as a defensive measure for Europe, before its aims were expanded ) !
By 715, almost all of Spain was conquered and remained in Muslims hands for the next 700 years! Subsequent invasions of France in 732 were stopped at Tours. In 792 the ruler of Muslim Spain called for a new incursion into France which also failed, after being able to do a great deal of damage.
Arguably, the Islamic Jihad has been ongoing since the creation of Islam, for the last 1400 years and will be ongoing till the whole world is forced into submission by the Muslims. The theology of jihad was set aside only in practice, not in theory, due to the current technological inferiority of the house of Islam. This theology has never been repudiated by any significant Muslim sect.
There are still lesser forms of jihad however:
(1) Migration to infidel's lands for the sake of Muslim evanglization
(2) Oral jihad, which is the apologetic struggle to defend Islam against detractors,
(3) Written jihad, which involves publishing books, websites and other forums to defend and spread Islam, or raising money and recruits for Islamic causes,
(4) Construction in jihad, which involvs building mosques and Islamic schools especially in on-Muslim lands,
(5) Monetary support for jihad (which involves establishing Ilamic banks, insurance companies, truts and business partnerships, levying special taxes (jizya) on infidels; supporting the families of those who wage jihad in all its different forms, the Mujahideen as well as the "martyrs" who have died exercising lethal force or suiide attacks upon infidels and
(6) Intelligence jihad, which involves collecting information about Christian missionaries in Islamic countries via open public records of churches and organizations, and supplying these records to Islamic groups for the sake of countermeasures.
The system of jihad contrary to stated opinion in the West is well supported and thought out. This theology has thus never been repudiated by any significant Muslim sect.
2006-12-03 22:29:13
answer #7
answered by defOf 4
Just wait. Sit back.
Grab a Gin and Juice.
Or something.
Make some popcorn,
open a bag of Doritos.
Just sit back and wait
For the Jedi Mind tricks
to come rolling in.
2006-12-03 22:11:26
answer #8
answered by Anonymous