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I posted a question earlier about my current break up but this is another question about it..in the past whenever me and my girlfriend have broken up the longest we stay broken up for is like a week or so...this break up is very different then others and feels more like this is it...but knowing my ex she might call and be like i made a mistake etc etc...i cant help but to want to be with her so thats what i would want to do...the situation is that i moved down to southern california with her to go to school and the timing of the break up now gives me the option to just go back home where all my family and friends are but i would have to drop out of school next semester, quit my current job and just have to move all over again..i dont want to be here if im not with her so im pretty sure im gonna go..i just dont want to set my mind on moving then next week my ex call me and want to be with me..if im going to move i need to start making the decisions now like putting my 2 weeks in a work.

2006-12-03 11:41:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

also we were together for 5 years...she told me she wanted to date other people and see what else is out there since i was pretty much her first for everything..she hasnt had sex or done anything else with anyone so thats her main reason for wanting to break up...shes 19 and im 22..i just dont know what to do because its like i want to get over the breakup but in the back of my mind i still feel like she might call me and want to get back together..so im kinda hesitant on the whole moving on thing because i still feel like there is a chance...

2006-12-03 11:43:42 · update #1

well the thing is im so miserable down here since we broke up and im having a hard time dealing with this alone...i really want to be around people that i care about its just that i know if i move back home its pretty much a done deal as far as me and my ex...

2006-12-03 11:54:07 · update #2

well we talked for a long time the day we broke up and the day after...she has her mind set on seeing other people..but like i was saying the only reason i moved down here was because of her and i cant just stay down here without her, without my family and without my friends...thats why i want to move back asap...this isnt the first time this has happened and we ended up getting back together pretty soon after the break up but its just shes so set on seeing what else is out there that i dont want to be waiting around while shes out fooling around with other guys

2006-12-03 12:02:27 · update #3

5 answers

you sound really wimpy and passive. why does she have to call you? why can't you stay where you are if you aren't dating her? You need to run back to your mommie? Grow a pair, she'll respect you more for it.

2006-12-03 11:45:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Wow...5 years is a really long time. Especially when you made big decisions like moving from your family n friends to be with her. That involves a lot of sacrifice. Does she know how you feel about all this? I'm pretty sure it's hard on both of you and I don't blame you for being hesitant about your decisions because I can only imagine how much you care about her. My opinion is that you shouldn't be dependant on someone. Especially when that someone is the basis for most of your decisions. If school is important to you, stay and finish it and maybe she'll realize that you're strong and you don't base all your choices in life on her, and it will make her more compelled to come back to you. I don't know the exact situation of the whole thing but I would say to trust your instincts and go with what your heart tells u. im assuming that she knows how you feel about all this because it seems like you left the decisions for her to make. I think you should take control of your own life and show her that you're okay without her. If it's not meant to be, then you guys will go your own separate ways. but if its the real thing, then you guys will end up together. If you havent really done anything wrong, you deserve to have someone who's going to appreciate you and not take you for granted. Goodluck and best wishes. :)

2006-12-03 19:53:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well well well!!
First of all, you r not ready for anything!!!! u have no idea what is goin on in ur relationship so u really r not ready to make any big decisions such as movin away and goin bak to where u use to live. It also seems to me like she leads ur relationship which she prob knows so she does it as u seem quite soft. u guys need serious chat and decide once and for all what u wanna do. shes really young and if she has clearly stated she wants to move on, there really isnt anything u can do, and u sure wouldnt wanna be wit someone that doesnt wanna be wit u right?
so do not move till ur 100% either over her or till u guys hav a chat. even if u guys stay together, i feel that sooner or later she will still wanna go and do things wit other ppl. sorry if im harsh
let me know what u think

2006-12-03 19:56:20 · answer #3 · answered by hondachick 2 · 0 0

I would say make plans to move. Obviously the relationship isn't stable if you keep breaking up and getting back together. At some point, it will end and it may as well be now.

If you like the school you're at, then stay. If you'd rather be home, then go home. It will be a lot easier to get over her if she's far away

2006-12-03 19:46:59 · answer #4 · answered by Galoshes 3 · 0 1

i think if you love her and want to make a life with her then you should probably wait it out for a little while and see if she changes her mind. 5 yrs is a long time to just throw away. but you cant let her keep doing this over and over again. pray about it cause GOD can answer this ? better than anyone else can. just remember that you have to really open your heart to the lord to be able to hear his answer. and remember that his answers come when the time is right for him to give them not right when we want them. good luck and GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-03 19:51:14 · answer #5 · answered by toots2000 4 · 0 0

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