You'd be surprised, but some women go even further...If you feel that you should, then do it. Be yourself at all times...
2006-12-03 11:43:11
answer #1
answered by ? 5
Went out on a first date with a guy I really like last week. We had a great time, laughing and chatting all the way! When it came the point where he was getting out the car though, it felt so could tell neither of us knew whether to kiss the other or not. I'd gone on the date with the expectation of snogging him, thing is..I think I almost expected too much. We said bye and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. My advice is don't expect something to happen - even if it's just a kiss. You'll be sure to know when it's the right time to kiss him, whether it's on the 1st or 2nd date. Sometimes it's best to take the lead from him :-)
2006-12-03 19:49:48
answer #2
answered by jellytots78 1
No, you should always wiat to kiss him until at least the second date. It would feel awkward for both you and him if you kissed on the first date. Take this from a teenager.
2006-12-03 19:45:29
answer #3
answered by Kelli 2
of course if he wants you to and you both really like each other, but don't go any further than a kiss and holding hands because it is only the first date
2006-12-03 19:45:20
answer #4
answered by ... 2
If you like him why not kiss him, this is not a bad thing and no it does not mean you are easy. It is better you kiss him instead of someone else.
2006-12-03 19:46:37
answer #5
answered by ? 6
No...let him wait...... (so he gets, more & more horny)
& one day u guys make out happyly behind the tree. :) lol
Dont let me kiss u on the first date... cause than he will move to the next level & finish this relationship too fast...
Be Slow. Be Sexy. Be Easy & chill ~!
2006-12-03 19:52:20
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
if your 13-15 no. but if your between 16-100 then probably but don't keep trying to stick your tung down his throught just if he tries to kiss you accept but don't act or be slutty its a turn off to many guys.
2006-12-03 19:43:35
answer #7
answered by mike y 1
Hell no, but that's just me, realy depends on what you want vs what he wants, vs what is expected. But u know, it's realy up to you. Gotta do what feels right while keeping a cool head... and not tlaking the way I am right now, heh.
2006-12-03 19:44:20
answer #8
answered by Liam R 3
If you feel like, then do so. A peck on the cheek might be nice to let him know you're interested, but only do what you feel comfortable doing.
2006-12-03 19:43:52
answer #9
answered by mikah_smiles 7
Possibly, if the evening went well. I'm not in favor of doing anything else, however, before you're married.
2006-12-03 19:44:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous