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I would love to travel all over latin america, volunteering in many locations. I may have to do this on my own, so how realistic is it for me to do this without getting mugged / attacked etc? Will I just need to use an extra bit of common sense or will I need to be extremely wary of everywhere I go and whoever I talk too?

The various guides that I have read keep talking about thefts and muggings. It sounds like I will have to be on my guard A LOT more than places like India and Egypt that I have already visited. However I want to hear from people actually been and know what its like to help me make a better judgement.

Thanks guys!

2006-12-03 11:29:48 · 14 answers · asked by wicked_paul 2 in Travel Latin America Other - Latin America

14 answers

I'm from Mexico City. In order to avoid getting into problems in Mexico City just keep in mind the following recommendations:

a) NEVER take a taxi on the street. Specially avoid green volkswagens. If you must take a cab, always request it from you concierge at the hotel your staying, or in any event from a "Sitio de Taxis".

b) NEVER take money out of the ATM in the night, specially in dodgy areas. Keep your wallet in the front pocket of your pants.

c) Stay away from the Zócalo (downtown, centro histórico) in the night. The Centro Histórico (where the zocalo is located) can become a dangerous place in seconds!

d) If you go clubbing or partying in the night, always go with someone that has a car and that can take you to the place your staying at. Muggers are always around this kind of places looking for a quick buck.

e) Never trust policemen in the night. If a "policeman" flashes a badge at you during night and tries to stop you without an evident reason, get out of there.

f) If you get mugged, do not try to be brave. This will only worsen things. Give them everything they want.

g) Dodgy areas are very identifyable. If the area you are in begins to look similar to those seens in the movies "Traffic", "Amores Perros", or "Man on Fire", get out of there!!

h) Finally, keep a low profile. Avoid using expensive jewllery, cars, clothing, or fancy electronic gadgets.

Hope this is helpful.

2006-12-05 16:19:02 · answer #1 · answered by HECTOR G 2 · 0 0

You may be mugged but there's absolute no change of beeing kidnapped like robbief1999 said. I've never heard of any turist beeing kidnapped here. Only locals are kidnapped, to kidnap someone you have to plan, it's not like "oh, look this guy, he sounds rich". So definetly there's absolute no change of beeing kidnapped. By the way, there are lots of white people in "places like Brazil". Of courser Braziliand whites are darker than the United Statesian whites because Brazilian whites descents mainly from Portugueses and Italians, while United Statesians descents more from British and Irish. But even though you can pass as a local if you dress like one.

Not all Latin American countries are equally dangerous. Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Costa Rica and Cuba, for example, are preety safe, much more than some cities in the US. The most violent places are Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Yes, you should be wary of everywhere you go and whoever you talk too. But you easily see which places are dangerous and which are not, and what kind of people may be a thieft and what kind are not.

Homicides by 100.000 inhabitants each year in some cities in America:

Caracas, Venezuela 133
Guatemala City, Guatemala 102
Medellín, Colombia 97
San Salvador, El Salvador 95
Cali, Colombia 92
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 50
São Paulo, Brazil 39
Lima, Peru 28
Mexico City, Mexico 27
Panama City, Panama 27
Bogotá, Colombia 23
Porto Alegre, Brazil 20
Belo Horizonte, Brazil 19
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico 17
Maracaibo, Venezuela 7
Buenos Aires, Argentina 6
Monterrey, Mexico 3
Santiago, Chile 2

2006-12-04 04:54:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have been to Mexico, Belize, Guatemala,Costa Rica,Panama, Puerto Rico,and Miami(USA,but almost like another country,hahaha!). I am American, and I travel alone.I never had a problem.Just do your research,be polite to people and PAY ATTENTION!When you see something that doesnt rub you right,be vigilant.Not everyone is out to get you, and Latino people are wonderful, but there are knuckleheads everywhere you go.I actually feel safer in Latin America than I do in many U.S. cities.The only places I felt uncomfortable were Guatemala and Miami. There is no need to be paranoid,but treat it as you would any place that you are not familiar with.
However,I don't know if it has made a difference,but in all honesty I do not look like a white person.I speak spanish,but the accent is different in every country, and they still know you are a foriegner as soon as you start talking with people.I do reccommend that you learn spanish though,as it will without a doubt,give you a much better experience.Did i mention to PAY ATTENTION!!! LatinAmerica is great! Have fun!

2006-12-04 05:35:55 · answer #3 · answered by aaronmestizo 2 · 0 0

Hi, as the other cat said, in Brasil you gotta be very careful when walking 'lone by some places. The problems are the same as the main big cities in the whole world, you know, even when going to Rio or S.Paulo, Bahia or wherever you want to. If you don't act as a tourist, no diamond rings nor gold, no watches or anything what can bring some quick money to the gangs,it's ok.
Always ask to a travel agent wich are the safest attractive touristics points to be visited and if you are going to some International Youth stuff remember you can be robbered there too even why you want to come alone. You'd better think before departing all by yourself, otherwise, good luck.

2006-12-03 14:38:12 · answer #4 · answered by 2Toke 1 · 0 0

Last year I visited Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Argentina and Uruguay and I'm suprised by the extreme nature of what happened to Kemmy as I spent the longest part of my trip in Bolivia and felt the safest there.
Although I was not robbed or attacked at all on my trip, I found Peru was the country where I felt most unsafe, especially at ATMs where I felt eyes on me all the time.
I think partly you have to be lucky and as much as possible not give people the opportunity rob you.

There are opportunist thieves everywhere. Never take both hands off your bags. I saw someone put a small bag down in a hotel reception (obviously the smaller bags have the more valuable possessions in them!) and the next moment someone created a diversion and it was gone! You can't assume everyone within the hotel works there. I've even heard of people getting sprayed with ketchup as part of diversion tactics... If someone spills something on you, don't stop - keep walking and go to a cafe to sort it out.

Wear trousers with hidden pockets
Don't look at maps in pubnlic places
Walk with confidence
Don't carry too much cash with you or keep it hidden
Lock your bags in your hostel room
Keep bags close to you - wearing one across your body for guidebook/camera is better than a backpack.
There are scams. Never believe people who claim to be police on the street - always insist on going with them to the police station before showing them any documents or money.
Just be on your guard! But don't let it stop you enjoying a great trip. Use your common sense and take precautions.

2006-12-03 23:06:41 · answer #5 · answered by saurasmile 2 · 1 0

Like most people here have said, just use a bit of common sense when your travelling on your own. Dont carry your valuables on you, leave them at the hotel in a safe if you can. I have just returned from two weeks in Peru, and stayed in Cuzco. I was very lucky because I have some local Peruvian friends who looked out for me and warned me of the dangers, anyway, I had absolutely no problems whatsoever, even when I was meeting my friends at night. I took a taxi everywhere I went and even shopping in the daytime, I just took enough money for the day and didnt wear any jewellery. Just go and enjoy yourself. But use your head in crowded places as you would in any large city. I found Peruvian people to be wonderful, and Im going back for a month next year.

2006-12-05 23:53:05 · answer #6 · answered by Pauline N 3 · 0 0

Every place in the world is safe for travelling with a kid IF YOU HAVE COMMON SENSE. Big cities in South America just as New York, LA or Chicago, have very nice neighborhoods as well as ghetto.

Of course, you have to take the normal tourist precautions when anywhere in the world: don't go around flashing expensive jewelry or big piles of money for everyone to see, stick to the big malls and shopping areas instead of downtown, and you'll be fine.

2006-12-06 01:00:01 · answer #7 · answered by marseijas 2 · 0 0

Hi! I am currently living in Bogota, Colombia, and have been to Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Argentina.

In Egypt and India, it's more a hassle due to people asking for money or pens, wanting to sell you stuff or insisting on bringing you to their hotels that bugs me sometimes. I have never felt uncomfortable before, I always travel to Egypt and India on my own.

However, in South America, you have to be careful for muggings and thieves who would slash your bag in a crowded street and run off with your stuff.

I have never encountered anything bad (touch wood) in all the above mentioned countries except Bolivia. Not only was my bag slashed in a small town in Bolivia, my husband and I were also mugged, taken unconscious to a small alley and our day packs, along with passports, air tickets and cameras, stolen from us. We were fortunate that they did not do anything else as it was 6.30am and people were starting to come out into the streets. This was in La Paz itself, along a main street.

My advice would be for you to come visit this beautiful continent with its beautiful people. Be on your guard and wary all the time, but do enjoy and experience a culture like no other... AND KEEP YOUR IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS IN THE HOTEL!

2006-12-03 14:37:39 · answer #8 · answered by Kemmy 6 · 0 0

I am a British guy living in El Salvador and find that providing you use your common sense, i.e don't go to no-go areas, don't stop at red lights at night, don't flash money or jewellery, then 9 times out of 10 you will be okay.

Don't be scared away by the stories, they always make a place seem worse than it really is......

2006-12-07 06:41:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've been to ecuador and it's just something to be cautious of like in any major city people are gonna try to take advantage of you. Especially when you look different. so just be cautious but at the same time lot's of NICE people see that you are a tourist and look out for you.

2006-12-03 16:58:42 · answer #10 · answered by Theman 1 · 0 0

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