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2006-12-03 09:40:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink

4 answers

Duck is a rich meat like turkey and it's all dark meat, generally now a days if you find a good butcher shop, they will sell like chicken, duck cut into parts, when I was a chef in Canada, we would use the breast like chicken, roasted and carved, the legs were used for some thing refered to as confit, it is a slow cooked method of doing the leg meat, in duck fat, when done the meat falls off the bone and is preserved in the fat.

If you want to be adventurous, cooking a whole duck is the same as a chicken, start out in a hot oven to brown the bird and the lower it to finish the cooking about 45-60 minutes, and the serving sauce like orange, cherry, I like blueberrys or cranberrys, even just making a gravy from the drippings like at thanksgiving, just take a bit of the fat away, before adding the flour, cook it until it takes on a brownish colour and the add some chicken stock, stir until it thickens and serve with duck.

Your choice of side t\dishes but roasted potatos flavour with some of the duck fat is nice on the side.

2006-12-03 10:44:10 · answer #1 · answered by The Unknown Chef 7 · 0 0

yes. duck is delicious. if you have a duck breast, keep the skin on, score it a few times, place it in a hot skillet skin side down to render the fat and crisp the skin. you do not have to add any oil to the skillet since the fat in the duck will be enough. you want it to be brown and crispy, then turn and brown on other side. you can season with whatever seasonings you want. finish it in a 350 degree oven until medium rare to medium, about 140 degrees. it should still be red in the middle. slice it and serve with the sides of you choice. delicious.

2006-12-03 10:22:24 · answer #2 · answered by fawazshaya 1 · 0 0

Sure it is, especially made in gumbo. Here in Louisiana we eat anything. Although duck isn't my favorite, it is good. It's also good baked with apples as well. It's all dark meat, so if you really like dark meat then you'll really like duck.

2006-12-03 10:12:23 · answer #3 · answered by 2D 7 · 0 0

yes! especially the ones from chinese restuarants!!

2006-12-03 12:30:11 · answer #4 · answered by connie 2 · 0 0

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