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I read coffee can have positive health affects on people who drink it. But I came across an article below that says adding milk to your coffee kills the antioxidants (which have the health benefits). Now does anyone know if adding non-dairy creamer would have the same affect on the antioxidants?

2006-12-03 05:46:16 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink


2006-12-03 05:46:32 · update #1

2 answers

That is a new one on me. I would love to see the research on it.

However, milk or cream does really change the flavor of coffee. I maintain that good coffee (high quality beans, fresh roasted, properly brewed) doesn't need milk or sugar. Additives mask both the tastes that are unique to varietal beans, origins, and the roasting method.

So, be safe and skip the milk! Better flavor and maybe better health!


2006-12-03 05:54:01 · answer #1 · answered by D K 3 · 0 0

depends on how much you put in

2006-12-03 06:03:22 · answer #2 · answered by Matthew W 3 · 0 1

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