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I have a 7yr old male cat, and this week, Im getting a male kitten. My neighbour told me that 2 male cats in the same houshold dont get along and that my older cat will probably not accept the kitten and run off. He isnt an agressive cat by nature. Any advice would be helpful!

2006-12-03 03:37:41 · 41 answers · asked by enigma64 2 in Pets Cats

41 answers

When I did this, my older cat hissed and carried on for a few weeks, but they get along fine now. Sometimes there was "cat slapping" involved, but neither of them ever used claws or teeth. It's best if you introduce them to each slowly, let them get used to the new smell and new sight and perhaps at first, only let them near each other under supervision until you are sure they will be ok with each other. Some cats don't seem to mind at all, and some will sulk for awhile. It all depends on your cat's personality.

2006-12-03 03:42:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

When you bring in the new kitten, keep the kitten in a separate room for awhile and let them sniff through the door. This is really hard but you have to pay more attention to the older cat than the new kitten or the older cat will feel threatened. Make sure the kitten has her own litter box and her own toys. The litter box is really important. Another thing to is rub the kittens forhead and then rub the older cats forhead they will need to get used to each others scent. Say you have a brush, then brush the older cat then the kitten then the older cat all the while keep them separate they'll have a chance to get to know each others scent. And apparently the forhead has feel good hormones on them so really make the older cat feel good when you do this then rub the kitten with your hand it sounds so stupid but it does take time and it's definately worth it in the long run. Good luck

2006-12-03 03:50:55 · answer #2 · answered by Pearl N 5 · 0 0

You have no way of knowing if these two cats will get on until you try it. Not the answer you were looking for but that is the truth of it. He may be the most loving placid animal going but adding another animal to the mix may change things. Also one thing to watch is that they get on fine for the first 2 - 3 years, then all of a sudden all hell breaks loose. At around 4 years cats hit maturity and this is when for no reason things can wrong. Get a book called The Cat Detective by Vikki Hall (WH Smiths for £7.99) it has loads of usefull things to help and will give you an idea of what to look for if things start to go wrong. Good luck.

2006-12-05 21:00:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi ive just been all through this with my cat.I have a 3 year old female cat which i got from cat protection,well 4 wks ago me and my 9 year old daughter wanted a new member to the family so we got a 9 wk old kitty.Well i was very nervous incase they both didnt get on and we would have to give the kitty bck,well after a wk off the 2 cats hissing and swiping manly from the older cat,there best off friends now which im so glad.Both the cats play with each other,eat together and follow each other around its great to watch them now.You have to give them time to get used to each other,you must remember the older cat was there first and its hes terriority bless,so bringing in another cat he/she would not like one bit.They will get used to each other,just keep an eye o n them for a wk,dont separete them when you go out this doenst help at all you want them to get used to each other,by shutting them in differant rooms wont help.Give both the cats the same amount off attention,dont leave the older cat out.Yes get two cats the same sex i was also told this so i got a nother girl,and there great now.Good Luck.

2006-12-06 23:44:10 · answer #4 · answered by Sexy Red 4 · 0 0

Is your older cat neutered? If so, there shouldn't be a problem. If he's not, he might not like the kitten at first, and it may take a long time for them to get along, but they should after a while, especially because their age difference is so large. If your older cat is not neutered, you will need to get the younger cat fixed when he's old enough. Two intact male cats won't get along.

2006-12-06 22:15:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I started off with one cat and got a kitten when he was about two.
He still doesn't like her now and we've had the second cat for 4 years now. It's just one of those things. He tolerates her but hisses when she walks past, but in the garden they are the best of friends. I think it's a territory thing.
Now I've got a small dog( the first cat is bigger than her) and at first neither cat would entertain the dog but they both tolerate her.
No matter how many animals you get they do get used to each other eventually.

2006-12-06 01:48:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I had six cats once and had a new kitten every year they all got on fine and as your older cat is a tom i would say hell be OK tom cats are much friendlier than the girls {queens} .I now only have three cats after losing the others to leukaemia my last cat a tom i acquired two years ago he was a stray and three years old . My other two cats both girls accepted him and they all get along fine . I wouldn't have any worries taking a new cat on if i wanted as i know they will be fine .

2006-12-04 10:53:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have 2 female cats. The older one still hisses at the younger one ( now 1year old) and they fight constantly. When i first got the kitten i did everything i could to make it go smoothly e.g let the kitten in one room and then allow the cat to smell the room and vice versa so they get used to each others scent, feeding them together etc. The younger cat adores the older one and its such a shame coz she hates her. I think they either will or wont get on (sorry not much help) and even though your cat isn't aggressive by nature now ..he might be when faced with a stranger on his territory or might love it and be best friends. Hopefully they are friends coz its not much fun when they fight.

2006-12-03 03:51:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it depends on several things
has your cat lived with cats in the past?
is your cat neutered?

getting a kitten is NOT a good idea when you have a mature cat.. the cat may be more accepting of a kitten BUT it could also really hurt the kitten PLUS you cannot feed them the same food.. if either gets the others food it can cause tummy problems or for the kitten it could slow brain development (because kittens need more fat for brain developement) for the older guy eating kitten food can cause a heart attack - he may be on adult or senior food if he is at all chubby so kitten food is BAD.. and since cats need access to their food all the time how are you gonna manage???

DO NOT bring an unvaccinated pet into your home

the new comer should be kept in a room to themself for 2 weeks allowing them to sniff paws under the door....if you have a choice though get another adult cat who has lived with other cats

neutered males will get along, I have 4 neutered males and 2 spayed females - no problems

2006-12-03 03:43:12 · answer #9 · answered by CF_ 7 · 0 1

Just keep them separated with the kitten in different room. Big boy cat should have rest of house so he is still in charge. He will likely investigate and then supervise kittens intro to him and house. If he is neutered he may be jealous but over time they should get along ok or at least tolerate one another. Good Luck!

2006-12-06 07:32:18 · answer #10 · answered by clevergirl 3 · 0 0

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