There are only 2, angry and hungry. It's a riddle that originally went like this:
There are three words in the English language that end with "gry." One is hungry and the other is angry. What is the third word? Everyone uses this word every day, everyone knows what it means, and knows what it stands for. If you have listened very closely I have already told you the third word.
If you read the second sentence you see that the "third" word is "hungry".
The author is writing here about the third word in the second sentence of the riddle, exactly as quoted, NOT some mythical third commonly used English word ending in "-gry".
There are several other versions of this riddle including the one about the third word being "language", but ultimately it boils down to a riddle.
2006-12-03 02:45:54
answer #1
answered by fly_girl_pc12 2
The answer is actually "language." If you click here it'll give you an explination:
But here's my explination. Here's the originall riddle:
"There are three words in the English language that end in GRY. Two are HUNGRY and ANGRY. The third one everyone uses every day and knows what it stands for. If you listened carefully, I already told you what the word is."
It says there are three words IN "the English language". They mean there are three words IN THE PHRASE. Two are HUNGRY and ANGRY. (This sentence has nothing to do with it.) The third one (the third word IN the phrase) everyone uses every day and knows what it stands for.
The third word in the phrase: "The English language" is of course "language." Everyone uses that EVERYDAY. The thing about HUNGRY and ANGRY is just trying to distract you. It's a riddle after all!
Tip: Try following riddles by the letter or words, not by what they say!
2006-12-03 03:20:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
i agree with the fact that it is a trick, but the answer is language. when worded correctly, this riddle reads, "what is the third word in the englich language that ends in -gry" the third word in "the english language" is language.
2006-12-03 02:49:55
answer #3
answered by Nickname 2
This is a trick question.
I fyou access the OED, there are loads of words that end in GRY
The two that come to the top are usually
anhungry (Shakespeare used this)
puggry (a kind of hat, but it has alternate spellings)
2006-12-03 02:44:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I found that gry is a measurement >>>
2006-12-03 03:07:34
answer #5
answered by vinel10 4
2006-12-03 02:42:46
answer #6
answered by Dee 3
hungry -to have hunger
angry- to have anger
gry- a mesure to equal one tenth of a line.
^ woah that one oughta shakje things up =D
2006-12-03 02:48:13
answer #7
answered by mardi 1
2006-12-03 02:44:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
angry, hungry, gry
2006-12-03 02:48:07
answer #9
answered by miladybc 6
can't think of others
2006-12-03 02:42:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous