It's very difficult to tell without truly seeing a picture. 115 at 5'1 does sound a little on the high side but again, your body can have more muscle than a normal 13 year old would. If you're active, and do not eat a lot of junk food, I'm sure you're not fat.
And again please do not subject your to the "standards" of the world. I'm sure you're a bright and beautiful person and as long as you believe that and love you, then everyone else will too.
2006-12-02 15:49:49
answer #1
answered by 4everToned Fitness 3
I don't understand the question. You are asking if you are fat? How can you base the way that you view yourself off the opinions of complete strangers online? What I'm trying to say is, no one here can truly provide an answer to that.
But if you're asking whether or not that weight paired with that height is more than average, then that is something that we can answer. I'd say that you are on the average side, perhaps even a little over average since you are so short.
But I'm sure that you look great, so don't worry yourself. :)
2006-12-02 15:51:55
answer #2
answered by Ark 3
you should not be worried if that you are fat at 12. Relax honey and be a kid. You should probably start exercising though and lay off fast food to be healthier though because your upper limit of weight is about 125. I am sure you are fine though. Talk to your mom if you are really that worried.
2006-12-02 15:50:33
answer #3
answered by xocharlixo 3
Don't worry, you are not fat, I would kill to be that weight, I am 5"4 and 130 pounds.
Hope I made you feel better by telling you how FAT I am!
2006-12-02 16:04:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
candy, shoes, outfits, funds, colors, luggage, purses, image Frames, Jewlery, Straightner, Dryer, Curling Iron, Hair upload-ons, computing device, computing device, digital camera, telephone Covers, Ipod Covers, Ear jewelry, wish it helped! ~Hannah
2016-10-17 15:26:42
answer #5
answered by barn 4
No, your weight is fine. Just eat healthily and get plenty of exercise to maintain your weight. HTH : )
2006-12-02 23:47:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
that is not fat at all .. 115lbs is normal for your age ... and you shouldnt b thinkin this just yet. your are much to young. if it makes u feel better i am 5"2' .. one inch taller than you and 161lbs .. and i am not fat ... but muscular .. its normal
2006-12-02 15:55:15
answer #7
answered by Meg 2
look u should not worry about that (but trust me ur not fat!!!!!!!!!) b/c someone i kno worried about her weight to and later developed an eating disorder and eating disorders are so ..... 'hurtful'
in all kinds of ways!!!!!!
2006-12-02 16:01:15
answer #8
answered by :) his girl 3
well my 12 year old daughter is 97 pounds, and let's say that's about average
2006-12-02 15:50:54
answer #9
answered by Baby Girrl 1
no you are fine, when you grow about 4 more inches.
2006-12-02 15:54:29
answer #10
answered by Wicked 7