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o.k, there's this boy that i liked and he liked me, he admitted to my friend so she told me, but i didn't believe her. she said she'd ask him if it was true, but he told her to tell me that he's sorry, but he was going to ask me out,but another girl asked him out (most likely he said yes), anyway so instead he's going to go out with her. now tell me did he really like me or is he just a jerk or what?

can someone tell me how to know the signs to know if he still likes me? Please?

2006-12-02 13:24:52 · 5 answers · asked by x-c runner♥ 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

5 answers

If someone likes you they spend time with you, and not jerk you around.

2006-12-02 13:27:47 · answer #1 · answered by regwoman123 4 · 0 1

Ok sweetie, lets straighten this mess out. First, of course he still likes you, but he likes the girl he's with now too. She just beat you to the punch. Anyway, why does that matter? He is taken, at least for the time being. It doesn't matter if he still likes you. Odds are that he won't be with this girl for too long anyhow. In the meantime what should you do? Wait for him? H3ll no!!! I think it is imperative that you find another guy, guy#2. You need to make guy#1 jealous, and let him see that you are having a fantastic time with guy#2. Guys, and girls, always want what they cannot have! Make him want you by not being available. Then when guy#1 breaks up with that boring ho, and he will, you can make your move, and he will jump at the opportunity to be with you. Good luck.

2006-12-02 21:51:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


guys always do that dont let it get ot your head

2006-12-02 21:27:27 · answer #3 · answered by Lucky 3 · 0 1

it sounds really high school to me, and you should just move on with it. Forget him!!

2006-12-02 21:27:00 · answer #4 · answered by Silly Billy 2 · 0 0

talk to him and tell him how you fill

2006-12-02 21:28:58 · answer #5 · answered by connie 3 · 0 1

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