Honey, at that point of no return, no guy has the presence of mind or the control to actually do that. DO NOT rely on it as a form of birth control. Use a condom and some spermacidal foam in case the condom breaks.
2006-12-02 11:56:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
My boyfriend always did. If he makes a promise he always keeps it. It doesn't matter whether or not they do anyway. Because men tend to have pre-ejaculations. You don't notice them because they are too small. My boyfriend and I for awhile would only have sex for a week or two after my period. He would always pull out but I got pregnant anyway. I knew this would might happen because I was well educated about sex but we were young, stupid, and lazy. But one thing I learned recently is that mens sperm has a special chemical in it that actually causes a woman to ovulate earlier than usual. That probably helped in my getting pregnant.
Well I had an abortion. I decided from then on to try my best not to get pregnant until I intend to have a child. So use birth control, and condoms, or at least one of them. It's the only safe way to have sex.
2006-12-02 12:03:10
answer #2
answered by Serafina Starstrider 3
I don't know about you, but at that point in time, I'm guessing most guys are fairly distracted.
I'm not sure if you're looking for advice, but that's kind of why adults take care of that kind of thing BEFORE they get really into it.
2006-12-02 11:57:14
answer #3
answered by TankAnswer 4
If you ask me it's plain selfishness. But you apparently know that now so take the precaution and quit taking chances. K? COOL!
Good Luck
2006-12-02 12:05:56
answer #4
answered by blastabuelliac 4
because the feeling that they get they dont want to loose so why pull out if its not going to feel good anymore. my boyfriend tell me he will all the time and he dont! heres another suggestion try using condoms then he wont necessarily have too....hope my advice helps good luck merry christmas and a happy newyear!!!!!!!!!
2006-12-02 11:59:09
answer #5
answered by ki-ki 3
guys? you should use condoms if you are having multiple sexual partners or you will get aids or something. besides disease unwanted children are an issue. very sad issue,be responsible and take control of your life before you make a terrible mistake
2006-12-02 11:59:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
most guys cant control it...although with practice this can be achieved. I find it more satisfying, it is very sensual. plus it really doesnt matter much because it doesnt work as a birth control, it isnt efective.
2006-12-02 11:59:56
answer #7
answered by ? 2
Because their brains stop working during sex. It takes a lot of self-control, and trust, and I think most guys are too busy enjoying the moment to stay responsible.
2006-12-02 11:56:31
answer #8
answered by mikah_smiles 7
it wouldnt really matter anyway, because it doesnt actually work... but alot of men are caut up in te moment and so tey foret... its really selfis to lie to someone like tat tou, just for teir own pleasure...
2006-12-02 11:57:41
answer #9
answered by tom 2
imagine eating some really tasty candy, but then spitting it out before you swallow it.. that's what pulling out is like..
you'd be better off just not having unprotected sex..
2006-12-02 11:57:37
answer #10
answered by Byakuya 7