Yes, Plenty.
We had one downstairs (in the basement) that would pull a stair out from under people (there are marks on the step from that happening).
I had a grandmother that would do things like switch which lights were on upstairs or turn them all on and yell something like " The Stove is ON" or " There is a Gas Leak!" which were both true. [This was at my grandparents,.. at one of her daughters houses she yelled to get out of a garage cause everything was falling over,.. my uncle looked to see if my aunt was in the next room and everything fell].
There are alot of ghost that this one place that they found out a few years ago was built on graves (the lazy morons that built the place forgot or didn't feel like moveing all the graveyard,.. ) the place is like 60+ years old and the ghost do things like open shops when the employees aren't there and try to make sells.
There was something down the street that was so weird I tried to take pictures with a Comp Cam,.. things were on fire the trees were different there was a car from another time period (50's 40's... I forget) there was a shak in the back yard,.. some other stuff.
I have more but,.. well,.. who is reading this? XD People don't read everything often and my memory sucks these days.
2006-12-01 23:20:56
answer #1
answered by sailortinkitty 6
I didn't get to say goodbye to my great grandfather when he died in the hospital. I was very young. Years later, I was meditating with a friend in First Encounter beach parking lot. The windows of the car were down and we heard heavy footsteps. It was dark, but there was a shadow looming over us. I said "goodbye, Pie" (great grandfather's nickname) because I knew it was him with his heavy footsteps, the image I saw, quite large with his usual slacks, and hat... my friend became cold even though it was warm out.
My friend got an eerie feeling and felt as though he had the warning from "Pie" that he had to watch himself around me and behave because he was being watched right now.
After I was able to say "goodbye," the image started to disintegrate and the heavy footsteps started away from the car and slowly became quieter until all we heard was the wind.
This whole time, we did not talk, my friend and I. I asked him what he had experienced and he told me what he had seen and felt. It was the same image and sounds.
I made peace and was finally able to make closure with this very special man who had passed so many years before.
2006-12-02 08:32:33
answer #2
answered by chapinitegirl 2
I was walking home with my little nephew when I lived in London. He was about five years old. All of a sudden he began looking behind us, nearly tripping us both. When I became cross with him, he said that he was looking at the man. What man? I saw no one. There was a man, he said, who looked dirty with long hair and he walked by us, waving at my nephew. I saw nobody, we were in a deserted side residential street. It was late in the afternoon on a Sunday, it was raining and not many people were about.
To this day, some ten years later, my nephew still remembers what the man looked like.
Freaked me out to no end.
2006-12-02 14:13:23
answer #3
answered by tamara_cyan 6
once i was in this rented house long back and was sleeping when i felt theres someone sitting beside me on my bed. it was so so scary. U know after waking up one generally sits side ways on the bed puts on the slippers and then gets out of the bed right. I am lying on the bed and i feel somone getup and sit and the worst part was i could feel his/her hand pass right thru my knee. that was more than enough for me to jump out of the bed turn on the light and see wat the hell was that.
turning on the light i immediately opened the door and all i could see was something like a flash of light (a cloud like something) move right thru the wall.
That day, everyone in my family had such scary dreams and now we live in a different place.
2006-12-02 07:23:22
answer #4
answered by Tanu 2
I lived for 15 years in a haunted house. I have seen doorknobs turn and then doors open with no one on the other side. I have heard furniture moving in empty rooms and even seen shadows walk by me.
2006-12-03 10:41:58
answer #5
answered by MeanKitty 6
I'm a clairvoyant/medium and I deal with this ALL the time. THe building we currently live in has someone roaming the hallways! No one lives on the third floor right now..doors are locked up and NO electricity is on up there..just running the heat to prevent the pipes from freezing. We can hear someone walking from room to room up there...and the other night my husband went to two sons and I went for a we were coming towards the 5 yr old said.." sue's back" (she's the lady that lived up there before...) Because the light in the front room was on..With NO electricity!
This happened this past summer...No one was on the third floor, we had picked up my 14 yr old son up from his father's house. I grabbed the bags and milk and went up the stairs FIRST..upon turning to go up to our front door...I saw someone dart UP the stairs to the third floor..BUT didn't hear ANY footsteps...without thinking I ASSUMED it was my 14 yr old who had gone ahead of me...UNTIL I saw him carrying up his younger brother (2 yrs old)he was BEHIND me and behind him my husband and our 5 yr old...I told them both that someone just ran up the stairs~ they both grabbed son a bat and my husband an umberella ~ they went husband then yelled down that the door was closed tightly and NO one was up there...and in order for someone to come down leave..they would have had to run me over because I was standing on the stair case leading up to the 3rd floor..This dark shadow has been seen by several people who enter the father's afraid to go into our hallway without someone with her...she's almost 65 yrs old..
2006-12-02 12:04:34
answer #6
answered by just me 4
I am not really sure if this counts i was sitting in my room all alone, trying to contact my dad(he pasted when i was 2)and i had no luck, i said good-bye and blew out the candles and out of nowhere i felt a light wind and i got goose bumps! So i am not sure if in counts but it scared the crap out of me!!!!
2006-12-02 08:44:37
answer #7
answered by MissXMurder 1
Go to then Ghosts Videos, its scary.
I have seem one, but people think I was sleeping, cuz I am Korean, you know small eyes.
2006-12-02 13:35:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
We all thought John Kerry was gone forever (at long last) after inserting his foot into his mouth up to his ankle (again) not to long ago...and then, seeing him back again, after his horrendously sloppy political suicide is a ... "ghostly experience" !!!
2006-12-02 08:47:36
answer #9
answered by baltic072 3
yes on several occasions. I have them in my house and have seen and dealt with then in other places. That was creepy. But the ones here don't bother anyone.
2006-12-03 02:40:12
answer #10
answered by LeapingLizard 3