I'm sorry you received such an unfeeling and heartless missive while you are grieving...how can a person not understand the difference in how one feels about a stranger dying, and a family member we loved and cherished? It would be odd to have the same reaction to the death of ANYone...people die all day, every day...we would do nothing but grieve.
Perhaps when your heart isn't so hurt and your loss isn't so fresh, you can discuss this issue with your "friend"...or perhaps you've just lost that friend...try not to let it get too you too much (easy to say, I know)...but you've got enough on your mind right now than weird reactions of other people...
Peace and comfort be with you and your family...I hope your grandmother crossed the veil safely and easily and is now resting in whatever afterlife she believed in...
2006-12-01 14:21:37
answer #1
answered by . 7
Please ignore your friend's insensitivity. He or she obviously has a real problem. You may need to distance yourself somewhat emotionally from this so-called friend, who doesn't know how to be one. I can only hope this individual doesn't have to learn the hard way what you're going through.
Of course you need comforting words after losing your grandmother! What a shame that you went to THIS person for them! I pray that God will surround you with His love and comfort, that you will realize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that you'll know that the day will come when you will be able to think of your grandmother with far less pain and sorrow, though with just as much love as ever--if not more--and that you can know even today that you'll make it! Hang in there!
Hope God will send you someone besides your "friend" to give you moral support and help you through this! But don't forget to depend on Him! He is so compassionate and such a comfort at times like this. Trust me--I know! I've been through it!
God bless!
2006-12-01 14:29:42
answer #2
answered by JD 3
Drug abuse is more beneficial interior the gay community than the prevalent public at large. another social markers that are more beneficial to boot are: STD's that you stated. i'm stunned the learn talked about it purely as 10 circumstances more beneficial. My wager should be, like the following interior the states, that's complicated to substantiate records, get precise information, and followup lengthy time period. The optimum reason for demise is suicide. psychological ailment and melancholy is a huge situation for the gay community. you will see that that evidenced the following in this question and answer communicate board. there replaced into an NIH learn no longer some time previous that indicated gays the following were one thousand circumstances extra likely basically to catch AIDS. they did not element out the different 30 STD's, notwithstanding there are 4 that i comprehend of that are very almost certain to gay men. very almost no human being else receives them.
2016-10-16 11:26:44
answer #3
answered by ? 4
I would say that this person is not your friend. Or a friend you really need to consider cutting out of your life. I'm sorry your grandma passed away. That is difficult. Take your time grieving your loss and find friends that will comfort you.
2006-12-01 14:19:08
answer #4
answered by goldensparkler61 4
Deaths clock is a life process to all, that starts from birth. The moment we're born, the clock starts ticking. This clock can stop sooner or later but we all have to face the inevitable someday. The tough part of it is the physical pain and the death of someone we love.
2006-12-01 14:37:33
answer #5
answered by Kurt 2
Why take something like that personal from a stranger who is obviously looking for someone to take their anger out on? Ignore them and focus on all the people and the good words given you in a good spirit to comfort you. God will take care of them and their problems just like He will take care of you and yours so just pray for them that when they are chastised for their behavior, they will learn obedience to Him.
2006-12-01 14:47:01
answer #6
answered by Lovin' Mary's Lamb 4
That person seems to have some kind of mental problems, maybe manic depression. Today, you caught them in a bad phase. I might steer clear of them from now on.
2006-12-01 14:18:22
answer #7
answered by griffinpilot1965 3
I wouldn't speak to this person again.
of course you react differently to a death of someone you know compared to someone you don't.
grief is normal. I'm so sorry for your loss. one day you will feel better- it will still hurt, but it will get easier
2006-12-01 14:21:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Not a response from a friend and if I were you, I'd move on and forget this person. Sorry about your loss.
2006-12-01 14:18:14
answer #9
answered by jack w 6
That's no friend of yours. That's hostility talking, some one who has great resentment towards you. You have to decide if you wish to continue the 'friendship'
2006-12-01 14:19:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous