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New provision in lease: ac = luxury item and not provided for purposes of assuring tenant's comfort or habitability of unit.... Landlord makes no reps/warranties re AC's ability to cool unit. And will not be respons for rmb'ing costs if have to move to motel if not working or being repaired? (Tenant with Lupus was told would be rmb'd for expenses ($70) for motel/meals while unit being repaired and then landlord's lawyer called and said forget it.) Paying $2000 per month in rent! Is this legal? TIA.

2006-12-01 12:26:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

4 answers

before I became an accountant I had to study plenty of cases of law so that I can become a certified public account many years ago.

please allow me to give to you my highest recommendation:

1. please not that an a/c is not a luxury item but however a necesity if you do plan to rent out additional units out.

2. yes, the landlord is held 100% resposible if there is something that has to be done to the a/c and that it will cause an inconvience to the tenants, then you as the landlord must provide food and shelter for your tenants until the work has been accomplished and has been re - certified not only by the manufacturer of the a/c but as well as the housing and health departments.

3. the health and housing departments are two departments that are very strict and that they don't appreciate any wise cracks from anybody.

in short, my dear friend, you are required to pay the $2,000 directly to the tenant or you can make an arrangement where the money bulk money that he has spent, for food and shelter, shall be reduced from his monthly rent as shown below:


your tenant whose name is david jones and has a wife and three kids and are tenants for two years now and they pay you a rent of 1,500 usd.

they occurred this problem with the a/c back in october of this year and you promised them that you will personally fix it and you send them to a hotel where the monthly rent is 2,100 usd.

what you can do is pay them the 600 usd per month until this problem gets resolved or you as a landlord will have a bitter case on your hands if david jones and his family want to press any charges against you.

the end result to this story: try to come to an agreement between you and the tenant pacifically where nobody gains a great amount.

think about it and then please consult with your lawyer for any additional advice that you may want to recieve from him/her.

2006-12-01 12:56:47 · answer #1 · answered by conde_c_b 7 · 1 1

hi there, ksmagoo, how are you? what a lovely question you have posted here for everybody, who knows english, can answer it with all due respect.

i personally have lived in california for several years as a tenant and what i am telling you comes out of personal experience ewhen it comes to the a/c.

i do remember one day, may years ago, that the a/c that came in the rental until was not working properly and i requested from the rental office for somebody to come and to check it.

from the time that i made the report verbally and sent to them a wriiten copy of the letter it passed a few a months in which i had to go back to the rental office and demand that they fix it NOW and they mentioned: "no prroblem, let us work at it right now".

so i asked them, firmly but politely, "sirs, where am i going to sleep? who will flip for the bill?"

believe me, although it was a complete inconvience and that i took out my things from the apartment, i was very much happy to
have that problem fixed in a peaceful manner and since that day i always keeps track of any incoming and out-going letters that pertain to any and all rentals.

there is an old saying in spanish that i will translate to you that goes like this:

it is better to have an agreement then to fight it in court.

i do hope that i was of any use and that my answer was somewhat helpful.

thank you.

2006-12-01 13:17:52 · answer #2 · answered by soar_2307 7 · 1 0

I don't think to provide AC in California is the law, only Arizona, Unless it is in the contract, the landlord has only to provide heating. Or am I wrong??????

2015-03-09 11:53:51 · answer #3 · answered by Rovena 1 · 0 0

the choice is real. the owner is entitled to a key to the valuables. in case you alter the locks, you're able to desire to furnish the owner with a key. that's so the owner can income get admission to to the valuables in case of emergency. the owner nonetheless might desire to furnish advance word till now entering for recurring issues like inspections are commonly used upkeep.

2016-12-10 20:05:48 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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