If you do, remember the character named Jerry Espinsen (or however you spell that)--he's a lawyer, and fellow attorney Alan Shore has become close friends with, on the most recent episode? He's the guy that whenever he gets nervous or excited, he yelps and twitches. My question is, have they ever stated what is up with him? Does he have Tourette's?? I've looked up the show on abc.com, and it doesn't even mention this character. Thanks!
2 answers
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Entertainment & Music
➔ Television
Re: Carlos's comment...yes Lincoln Meyer is an absolute hoot! He's so gay and so weird that he's positively amusing. But scary. lol I bet the actor that portrays him has a great time with that role! So glad that they finally arrested his creepy self though...he was a ticking time bomb.
13:04:25 ·
update #1