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8 answers

sorry no i wasnt but ..........

10 November 1967
Your date of conception was on or about 17 February 1967 which was a Friday.

You were born on a Friday
under the astrological sign Scorpio.
Your Life path number is 8.

Life Path Compatibility:
You are most compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 2, 4, 8, 11 & 22.
You should get along well with those with the Life Path number 6.
You may or may not get along well with those with the Life Path numbers 1 & 5.
You are least compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 3, 7 & 9.

The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2439804.5.
The golden number for 1967 is 11.
The epact number for 1967 is 19.
The year 1967 was not a leap year.

Your birthday falls into the Chinese year beginning 2/9/1967 and ending 1/29/1968.
You were born in the Chinese year of the Goat.

Your Native American Zodiac sign is Snake; your plant is Thistle.

You were born in the Egyptian month of Tyby, the first month of the season of Poret (Emergence - Fertile soil).

Your date of birth on the Hebrew calendar is 7 Heshvan 5728.
Or if you were born after sundown then the date is 8 Heshvan 5728.

The Mayan Calendar long count date of your birthday is which is
12 baktun 17 katun 14 tun 4 uinal 0 kin

The Hijra (Islamic Calendar) date of your birth is Friday, 7 Sha'ban 1387 (1387-8-7).

The date of Easter on your birth year was Sunday, 26 March 1967.
The date of Orthodox Easter on your birth year was Sunday, 30 April 1967.
The date of Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent) on your birth year was Wednesday 8 February 1967.
The date of Whitsun (Pentecost Sunday) in the year of your birth was Sunday 14 May 1967.
The date of Whisuntide in the year of your birth was Sunday 21 May 1967.
The date of Rosh Hashanah in the year of your birth was Thursday, 5 October 1967.
The date of Passover in the year of your birth was Tuesday, 25 April 1967.
The date of Mardi Gras on your birth year was Tuesday 7 February 1967.

As of 12/1/2006 5:19:24 PM EST
You are 39 years old.
You are 469 months old.
You are 2,038 weeks old.
You are 14,266 days old.
You are 342,401 hours old.
You are 20,544,079 minutes old.
You are 1,232,644,764 seconds old.

Celebrities who share your birthday:
Chris Joannou (1979) MacKenzie Phillips (1959) Sinbad (1956)
Donna Fargo (1949) Tim Rice (1944) Roy Scheider (1935)
Richard Burton (1925) Claude Rains (1889) Martin Luther (1483)

Top songs of 1967
To Sir with Love by Lulu Daydream Believer by Monkees
Windy by Association Ode to Billie Joe by Bobbie Gentry
Somethin' Stupid by Nancy & Frank Sinatra Groovin' by Young Rascals
The Letter by Box Tops Light My Fire by Doors
Happy Together by Turtles Hello Goodbye by Beatles

Your age is the equivalent of a dog that is 5.58356164383562 years old. (You're still chasing cats!)

There are 344 days till your next birthday
on which your cake will have 40 candles.

Those 40 candles produce 40 BTUs,
or 10,080 calories of heat (that's only 10.0800 food Calories!) .
You can boil 4.57 US ounces of water with that many candles.

In 1967 there were approximately 3.7 million births in the US.
In 1967 the US population was approximately 179,323,175 people, 50.6 persons per square mile.
In 1967 in the US there were approximately 1,800,000 marriages (9.3%) and 479,000 divorces (2.5%)
In 1967 in the US there were approximately 1,712,000 deaths (9.5 per 1000)
In the US a new person is born approximately every 8 seconds.
In the US one person dies approximately every 12 seconds.

In 1967 the population of Australia was approximately 11,912,253.
In 1967 there were approximately 229,296 births in Australia.
In 1967 in Australia there were approximately 100,000 marriages and 9,688 divorces.
In 1967 in Australia there were approximately 102,703 deaths.

Your birthstone is Citrine

The Mystical properties of Citrine

Citrine is said to help one connect with Spirit.
Some lists consider these stones to be your birthstone. (Birthstone lists come from Jewelers, Tibet, Ayurvedic Indian medicine, and other sources)

Yellow Topaz, Pearl, Diamond

Your birth tree is

Walnut Tree, the Passion
Unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egoistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromises.

There are 24 days till Christmas 2006!
There are 37 days till Orthodox Christmas!

The moon's phase on the day you were
born was waxing gibbous.

2006-12-01 09:20:53 · answer #1 · answered by ♥gigi♥ 7 · 0 0

Some people have genetic predispositions to build muscle faster, use glucose more efficiently - or encode memories more efficiently - but none of that matters if you do not utilize it in exactly the right way. Just look at Feral Children - whatever they were born with has no bearing on them as ultimately the environment is the defining factor in development. A simple a analogy I like to use is two plants that need water, one is very adaptive and needs only a trace of water before it grows metres high and another plant is a weak skinny little things that requires much attention and care - the former would obviously be better at surviving - but if it was in a situation where there was no water it would inevitably die. Just because we do not share strengths does not mean we do not share weaknesses - there is no talent without someone to nurture it. So to answer your question, nobody is born with 'talent' but only a few advantages which may make it easier to develop talent or be scouted for training to gain talent.

2016-03-13 01:27:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are steps you can take to actually build a strong, stable marriage and avoid divorce. Read here https://tr.im/23trW

Here are some key steps to apply to your marriage:

- Start by understanding and being informed.

You can never be too informed about tools, methods and studies about building successful marriages. Understand the risk factors like your age and maturity at marriage can determine how successful it will be, the anatomy of an affair and what you can do after infidelity. Understand the success factors like the personal and psychological circumstances that will influence your marriage, what are the tools and approaches available to you in dealing with conflict, and numerous other relevant data. All this information is readily available to you whether through self-help material, through a counselor, support group or other venues. In fact, we have made it our commitment to provide these to you in different formats to help you make the best marriage you can.

The thing is, remember, this is information is not available for you to begin hyper-psychoanalyzing your relationship, yourself and your partner. It's not a matter of spewing trivia for the sake of conversation ' information is there for you to ponder over and internalize to help you transform yourself and your marriage. That includes maturing to such a point that you become more competent in your knowledge but more prudent in approach.

2016-04-22 19:11:36 · answer #3 · answered by sade 3 · 0 0

No sorry, but we were married on November 10th 1984 so its a very special day for my hubby and I too, just sat answering a few more questions before going to bed.

2006-12-01 09:39:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was born 11th November 59 and I'm answering questions - do I count?

2006-12-01 09:06:29 · answer #5 · answered by kimbridge 4 · 0 0


2017-02-17 15:24:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

WOW!!! That's totally amazing, so was I... and I was just about to ask the same question!!!

2006-12-01 09:04:04 · answer #7 · answered by Atheist 4 Jesus 2 · 0 0

No, I am older then you

2006-12-01 09:45:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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