The Fourth Generation (1975-present) is typified by the use of microprocessors-devices where the entire arithmetic-logic and control units of a computer is contained on one small chip. The power of these devices have been described by “Moore’s Law,” which states that their processing speed will double every eighteen months.
The Fifth Generation is yet to be fully defined. One aspect of it is “artificial intelligence” where computers demonstrate more and more of the higher level functions of human intelligence. The extent to which computers can simulate the capabilities of the human mind is yet to be determined and will be a fascinating area to observe in the coming years.
What about 30yrs???
What if the internet was invented 10years before it’s actually invention???
What about 20yrs???
2 answers
asked by
Computers & Internet
➔ Internet
I use these time frames, because I feel for every 15yrs prior to the actual invention of the computer and for every10yrs prior to the invention of the internet, the world/technology would be 100yrs more advanced then it is today.
The internet and computers link the world together in a way that is was unimaginable in 1960/1945, now keeping in mind how they viewed the future during these times, one must believe that if given our levels of technology we have today they would’ve further our technology past its current point during their time, then even we can today, thus 100 yrs, thus spaceships to travel to Pluto and maybe world peace.
08:39:11 ·
update #1