Poor George. He forgets who to like, who not to like,who was attacked, who was attacked by who, what day it is, what time it is, and he's a Lame Duck. So who cares anymore.
Poor George.
2006-12-01 06:42:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Bush is a pawn of the Illuminati. They back both sides in a war in order to increase its potential to generate revenue. Think about it like this: The Illuminati is the thirteen most wealthy banking families in the world they print and own all of the money (look up "fractional reserve banking"). The money to fund insurgencies comes from somewhere...Rogue governments perhaps. Governments whose monetary systems are based on Fractional Reserve Banking, as is the United States' monetary system. Basically if you go by the adage"follow the money" it all leads back to some element of The Illuminati.
What or who is the Illuminati?
"The Illuminati is the inner core of the Power Elite and controls our banks, our media, and our political parties through their front groups: The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the Masonic Lodge, the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome and the Federal Reserve." [C.S. pg 35] The Elite’s goal is to create a One World Government which is highly centralized and dictatorial in form, materialistic in spirit, and with little or no tolerance for individual expression, liberty or belief!"[C.S. pg 1]
"The Illuminati has been around for millennia and the western incarnation of this organization was started by Adam Weishaupt, a professor at the Jesuit Ingolstadt University in Bavaria, with the help of Meyer Rothschild, on May 1 (May Day) 1776. Weishaupt supplied the Rothschilds with political muscle and Rothschild provided plenty of cash to the Illuminati. The Illuminati evolved its initiation processes with the inner circle giving oaths to destroy: private property, inheritance, patriotism, religion, the family, and to devote their energies to a One World Government. At the same time, lower echelon members were told that their goal was to bring 'happiness to the human race'. The name Illuminati implies that those who are initiates are enlightened and there is much information that Weishaupt related its name to Lucifer the Angel of Light (Isaiah 14:12)". [C.S. pg 32-33, U.S. pg 4]
The Illuminati exists. It may not be possible to know the exact persons who are the ultimate puppeteers - the culprits behind the culprits behind the culprits at the pyramid structural apex. That does not change the fact that a master design of deceit and manipulation towards the goal of world domination and total control of the masses is operating right now and is gaining momentum and can be seen by those who choose to see.
How is it that the Power Elite is seemingly successful in deceiving so many?
"The Elite are withholding information and creating a subconscious climate of FEAR. [CS pg 51] The formula the Illuminati has always stuck with to implement their designs has been based upon these strategies:
1.) Controlling the central banking houses and instituting ‘Fractional Reserve Banking’ which created inflationary debt based economies.
2.) Controlling the media and entertainment industries.
3.) Controlling the leadership of the opposing political parties to create the appearance of conflict.
4.) Degrading cultural traditions, rewriting historic events and debasing the spiritual and moral heritage of a people." [US pg 54]
"What the Elite wants is a fearful population that is looking for help." [CS pg 53] "The Elite have done a masterful job of creating the paradigm that to speak of conspiracy is politically incorrect and something to be dismissed as not relevant." [CS pg 25] "One of their slogans is ‘The end justifies the means’. [9/11: TGI] pg 56]
* "The good news is that with enough information, will power and faith in God, that we, the citizens of our country, can restore the foundation of our economy and protect our personal liberties."
What is Fractional Reserve banking?
"First, one must be aware that the Federal Reserve Board is not Federal, nor are there any reserves! The Elite, who control the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, (the FED), have created an incredible system to take our assets. Here is how the grand scam works:
1.) The Federal Reserve Central Bank has the Federal Reserve Notes printed by the US Treasury for pennies on the dollar, with not a cent of reserve or investment!
2.) Then it lends this ‘money’ to the Federal Regional Banks who multiply this deceptively created credit seven times over. For every billion dollars it borrows from the Federal Reserve Central Bank, Regional Banks lend seven billion dollars! (That is why it is called ‘fractional’ reserve banking.)
3.) The losers are the people and businesses who borrow this created credit line and are forced to pay it back with interest that is collateralized by real assets (their homes, cars, land, factories, etc.).
4.) Another deception of this system is that the controllers of the money supply (The FED) have virtual command of the economy. For the economy just to keep going, The FED needs to create more new credit each year than is due in interest payments. * A Federal Reserve $1 note buys goods only because people believe it has value. If people realized that there was no true value behind these Federal Reserve Notes, they would be worthless!" [CS pg 36-37]
What is a Constitutional Republic and does it differ from a democracy?
A Constitutional Republic is based on rule by law. It is a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. "A true Republic puts the rights of the individual ahead of the collective power of the government and the aristocracy. It is essential to remember that in our Republic all citizens are sovereign; we have an unalienable Bill of Rights; government decisions are decentralized and we are supposed to be a nation of equal justice for all people. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are each citizen’s rule book." [US pg 15]
A democracy is based on rule by the majority. It is a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents. This means that the minority loses. Rights do not exist in a democracy because your rights can be voted away by 51% of those casting ballots. "The momentary collective wisdom of the general public is not always best for the country or for people who tell the truth or for those who are productive. Thomas Paine said, ‘A democracy is the vilest form of government there is!’ " [US pg 14]
"So why is it that our elected leaders and the establishment media keep pounding away that we need more Democracy? It’s simple, if the Elite can convince us that we live in a Democracy (mobocracy), then they can destroy our Bill of Rights, raise our taxes, get more people addicted to welfare, centralized the power of government and take total control. As Richard Maybury said not long ago, ‘Democracy is three wolves and a sheep deciding on what to have for dinner.’ In a Republic nothing comes for free. Because power is decentralized, the citizens are required to educate themselves and be active in the process. With the subtle but massive mind control that our would-be slave masters have foisted upon the population, most people think of themselves as consumers rather than as citizens who are the foundation of a Constitutional Republic." [US pg 15] * "A Constitutional Republic can exist only if the people take their responsibility as citizens seriously." [CS pg 47]
How close are we to the New World Order agenda being complete?
You decide . . .The Communist Manifesto calls for:
1. Abolition of private property (through asset forfeiture laws actualized through the "War on Drugs")
2. Heavy progressive income tax (The IRS needs no explanation)
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance (through the "Death tax")
4. Confiscation of property of all emigrants and rebels (International travelers must declare if they are carrying more than $10,000 in money, stocks, or bank notes.)
5. Central bank (The Federal Reserve Bank is a private company, and is NOT a part of our American government, and is not Constitutional)
6. Government control of communication and transportation (through the FCC, FAA, NTSB, and state DOT’s and DMV’s)
7. Government ownership of factories and agriculture (through bailouts of Chrysler and the Savings and Loan associations; The USDA)
8. Government control of labor (through innumerable government regulatory agencies; OSHA)
9. Corporate farms, regional planning (Previously small family owned farms are now owned by large corporations and leased back to the original tenants.)
10. Government control of education (through the Department of Education (NEA))
"Through this time we need to remember that ‘we give power to that which we oppose’ and that it is important for us to be ‘for’ the ideals of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and not just ‘against’ the Elite." [CS pg 58]
2006-12-01 06:57:17
answer #5
answered by Heidi L 1