No. I've died in at least 4 dreams and I'm obviously still alive. They were actually nightmares and one involved experiencing an afterlife. I was freaked out for days. I was shot to death once, and the other 3 times I died from a nuclear explosion. (those were the only times I died in a dream and was aware of my death. Other times I've 'died' but it was only an assumed thing)
2006-12-01 05:51:12
answer #1
answered by Pico 7
I am tempted to say no, as there have been many instances of people dreaming about their own death without dying in real life (as they survived to tell someone about the dream). On the other hand, the mind is a powerful tool, and who is to say that, if the shock were great enough, a dream could not kill you? Of course, if it has happened, how would you know?
People die in their sleep all the time, but did their dreams kill them? Good luck getting answers.
2006-12-01 13:44:30
answer #2
answered by whtknt 4
Dreams are nothing but the freview of he houghts that aqe deeply burried in our mind . Our mind has he potential o influence and modify our body adn habits . iis wha we calll the psychosomatic effect .This is wha the religons tell us : wha you think ha you become . It is notbecuse of of he dreams hawe mighdie. If you mind feels tha youae dying , hen you afre , This is nothing but wha you call an auto suggestion . so hink rightly . Think of only such thigs ha work posiively. If yo afre not able to do it then take recourse to religions , Belive in he god hat appeals mos and hinkl tha ti will a all cos help you achieve somethijkng ha is dear to you. you will get . No over night ,just concentragte , your nind will reach a conditon whre you would feel to have obtined wha you wanted .simpy it is to say that your mind can work what ever you want it to do f0or you.
If you constnly thinn tha you would die , you might cause it for yourself . If you thiknk tha whaever might be your conditions , ( even if you are suferrin from some chronuic disease ) you would live , if you think posiively ha would yolu live and defy death.So hink posiively all he time .
2006-12-01 14:06:42
answer #3
answered by Infinity 7
it is possable that if you experience a strong enough feelings even awake your body could just shutdown and stop responding to stimulus. such as shock. seeing a love one die could cause enough shock that you can enter a coma like state.
2006-12-01 13:37:53
answer #4
answered by ibyt2692 3
No. I have died in my dreams before and continued to dream, totally aware of my dream death.
2006-12-01 13:46:24
answer #5
answered by you do not exist 5
Can't be. I've died in my dreams several times and I'm still here.
2006-12-01 13:33:10
answer #6
answered by peacedevi 5
If it is true, no one has lived to disclose this information.
2006-12-01 13:33:59
answer #7
answered by Boilerfan 5
2006-12-01 13:46:16
answer #8
answered by jamieleerobertsmith 2