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and what are some differences? How long do you think that Judisiam has been around?

2006-11-30 15:25:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

While there are many world religions, there are only three that call for worship of one God: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. All of the other major religions, from Hinduism to Buddhism to Shintoism, don't really deal with the issues of salvation as we understand it, of heaven and hell.
As for Judaism, we as Christians believe in the same God and the same revelation they do, plus the New Testament. As the Holy Father has pointed out, Christians are all "spiritual Semites" (spiritually united with the Jews and the faith of Abraham). Basically, Christians are what you could call “Messianic Jews,” that is, we are "adopted" Jews who believe Jesus was the long awaited Jewish Messiah;..the Savior. We have been grafted into the family tree. Of course, our faith has grown considerably from there as well. While we have significant theological differences with traditional Judaism (primarily revolving around Christ), our understanding of morality is of the same basic cloth.

We should never forget our roots. We should never forget that Jesus was a Jew (who attended synagogue), as were his mother and adoptive father, all the apostles and even the first pope (Peter). Almost all of the first "believers" were Jews, and they all attended synagogue as well. While it is true that some Jews called for His execution (particularly those threatened by Jesus as a potential leader who threatened their hold on power), the Catechism reminds us that every human who has ever lived bears responsibility for his crucifixion. We are all responsible.

2006-11-30 15:34:42 · answer #1 · answered by Gods child 6 · 2 0

Because Christianity is a fulliment of the Jewish religion. The Jews still believe the messiah will come to save them, the Jewish people. Chirstians believe the messiah, a.k.a Jesus has already come and expanded his message of salvation not only to the Jews but the Gentiles (that's the rest of us non-jewish people) as well. Christianity is a evolved form the Jewish religion so to speak. Also alot of the Jewish rites and celebrations actually are part of Christianity, well at least Catholism anyway because the first chirstians, were well jewish.

2006-11-30 17:35:13 · answer #2 · answered by Matthais 1 · 0 0

You seem like a very young girl with lots of questions on mind. Look out for lots of these discussions on Yahoo answers. Lots of very intellectual and knowledgeable persons sometimes answer these type of questions, and you will see that they have read a lot before analysing, crticizing or discussing the question in hand. With regards to your question here is the answer: There are very little similiarities between the Jewish religion (if you are talking about judaism) and Christianity both conceptually and by practice. Jews believe in One God, Christians believe in god and jesus and then again they say they are the same thing or one the son of another etc.! Jews have lots of fastings, prayers and religious events like Christians never have. The only reason Christians want ot say they are similar to the Jews is the fact that after the crusades they decided to take the sides of the jews (under the leadership of the pope) for strictly political reasons (to win over the muslims and to make their groups stronger). There is no other similiarity. Please read the websites on Crusades, Judaism and Jews and Christianity for more information you will see what we mean.

2006-11-30 15:46:03 · answer #3 · answered by S&D 2 · 0 0

Judaism - believe that God is an absolute unity. Christianity - God is one compost unity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit Judaism - The Messiah is not come yet Christianity - The Messiah already came. He is Jesus, the Christ Judaism - No hell Christianity - Hell for everybody who believes not in Jesus as Lord and Savior Judaism - a pagan can reach heaven by some simple rules, like: to not worship idols, to not kill, to not commit adultery, to not steal, to not eat an annimal still alive, etc... Christinity - None reaches heaven without believing in the new testament and obeying the new testament of the bible. Judaism - Moses law is eternal Christianity - Jesus stablished a new covenant by his blood and then Moses' law is gone. the new testament is the new law now. These are some of the main differences.

2016-05-23 06:51:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Judasim Old Testament
Christianity Old Testament & New Testament

Differences are mainly in Christains say Jesus is the son of God, and Judaism say the Messiah has not yet come. The don't believe in Jesus. Judaism has been around since around 2000 BC the time of Abraham

2006-11-30 15:27:43 · answer #5 · answered by ۞ JønaŦhan ۞ 7 · 1 0

Christians follow the teachings of only of the many rabbis roaming the countryside teaching differing versions of Judaism. Christian writers borrowed stories from the Torah (Old Testament) to write their own book about Jesus many years after his death, while at the same time forbidding their followers from reading the Talmud that interprets the Torah and its laws.

2006-11-30 16:00:47 · answer #6 · answered by Hatikvah 7 · 1 0

both judaism and christianity are theistic religions basically founded on the "OT". Other than that, not much.

We differ regarding:
Commandments between man and G-d
Commandments between man and his fellow man
The messiah
I'm probably forgetting some other large areas too. the point is, we actually have little in common.


2006-11-30 17:29:25 · answer #7 · answered by NamesAreMuchTooConfining 1 · 1 0

their pretty much the same except that Jewish people don't believe that Jesus was the messiah.

2006-11-30 15:30:40 · answer #8 · answered by tamal 2 · 0 0

Some live up to it. Others don't,.

2006-11-30 15:31:39 · answer #9 · answered by robert m 7 · 0 0

Both are persecuted.
Both are being killed around the world by muslims

2006-11-30 15:31:03 · answer #10 · answered by songndance1999 4 · 0 0

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