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flat girls or girls with ....

skinny or fat

smart or dumb

hot or cute

blue eyes or hazel

tall or short

wears lot of makeup or none at all

only wants to do ..... wants to wait to do ...

nice or mean

black hair or blond

career obsessed or family obbsessed

rich or poor

long hair or short hair

2006-11-30 12:57:53 · 10 answers · asked by Lucky 3 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

10 answers

moderation in everything...like

not like watermelons, but normal sized
not fat but not anorexic
not so smart tht u hve no idea wth they r tlkin about, but not dumb
not or cute both work
i personally think blue eyes is overatted.. a light hazel is hottt
not tall, but not too short. but kinda short is ok
a little makeup...too much is nasty nd too little....well if it looks good then too little is good
wants to do it but not like if u dont do it thn u no shes gnna go elsewhere...a sIut
nice wit a hint of meaness
dark brown
family, but wants to hve a good job
rich, unless shes snobby
not too long, and not too short

lol im soo bored rite now....

2006-11-30 13:00:22 · answer #1 · answered by NY 3 · 1 0

middle, smart, hot, blue eyes, short, no makeup (some of the time with makeup),nice, Black or blond, rich or poor doesn't matter, family obsessed. and long hair. that's what i like to see in a girl

2006-11-30 21:03:42 · answer #2 · answered by Peter 2 · 0 0

flat girls with ....

skinny and fat in the right places


hot plus cute

blue eyes or hazel (one of each)

tall or short (either)

none at all

wants to wait to do ...


black or blond

family obbsessed

does not matter

long hair

2006-11-30 21:02:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I like em' with....
Not too skinny, not too chubby
Brown eyes
Medium height (shorter than me)
No makeup
Wants to wait for true love (same with me)
Hair don't mean a thing
Not obsessive
Personality over money
Long hair (unless they're one of those rare girls that can pull off short hair).

I'd sure like to meet this girl one day.

2006-11-30 21:05:06 · answer #4 · answered by Wocka wocka 6 · 0 0

Ill tell you this
It shouldnt matter how you look, to Mr. Right you'll look beautiful however you are. Makeup is ok, but i think a woman is most beautiful when wearing no makeup... true beauty is what that is. Nice girls always helps, and money shouldnt matter. The sex thing well- he should be willing to go with whatever you decide. Ok? ^_^

2006-11-30 21:01:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

slim,smart,hot and cute,blue eyes,short,no make up,wants to wait,a little nice a little mean,black hair,family obsessed,money dont matter,long hair.

2006-11-30 21:02:11 · answer #6 · answered by Smokey 2 · 1 0

skinny, smart, cute, hazel, short, is ok without makeup but enjoys to put it on, wants to do, nice, black hair, family, rich, short hair

2006-11-30 21:00:28 · answer #7 · answered by colgatetotalgel 2 · 1 0


Doesnt matter to me what a girl looks like, all i want is a girl that is loyal, and i can see myself spending rest of my life trying to see what makes her tick and to keep her happy. Looks? Who needs them, when you have more qualities like brains, humor, and athletics.

Think about your str. and use them, its all that you need to find the right people in the world, i promise.


2006-11-30 21:11:43 · answer #8 · answered by jameswilliamlong 3 · 0 0

I like thin girls with long hair, color doesn't matter.

2006-11-30 21:02:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

All of the above if they turn up naked and with beer

2006-11-30 21:00:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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