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don't think its very romantic if i sudden say, "darling,...what do you prefer...?"

2006-11-30 12:54:39 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

36 answers

Take it from abazzabba if anyone knows about swallowing it's him. He can be scene at www.dudeswhoswallow every Friday and Saturday via live webcam.

2006-12-01 08:40:38 · answer #1 · answered by DRAGON'S RETURN 3 · 4 0

If you've only been seeing for a few days, and are already having sex with him (or performing sex acts on him), then does it really matter? If you're worried about what he's going to think of you if you do either of those - don't be - because whatever he's going to think, he already does and whether you swallow with pride or spit in disgust isn't going to change that. Plus it depends on what you prefer, if you don't like the taste or simply the idea swallowing then don't, he'll be satisfied if you are, and nothing says UNSATISFIED like the "this is the worst thing I've ever done" face, lol.....

2006-11-30 13:02:38 · answer #2 · answered by qtee425 2 · 0 0

As others have said, you are going way too fast. Don't you think it would be better to wait awhile?

Based on personal experience I've had with men, and overhearing guys talking, I'd say that almost all guys prefer that you swallow. Whether you should or shouldn't is really up to you. If you never have, it tastes pretty gross. I've heard girls say they like it, I don't think that's really true (honestly I think that ALL of my friends have told me that they don't like to do it or that they won't do it at all), but they probably like the idea and the guy's reaction, so they do it anyway. But be warned, if you do it the first few times, he will always expect you to swallow, so if you decide to go with that, best get used to it!

2006-11-30 13:08:44 · answer #3 · answered by waiting_for_light 2 · 0 0

okay, it seems to me that it is a little soon for you to be considering this. Here's my advice for you, make him work for it and he'll take whatever he can get. And if he wants head this soon, dump him because it sounds like he is only using him.

Some infomation for you:
Sperm is actually incredibly healthy for you. It contains a lot of protein.
You can still get STDs through oral sex whether you spit ot swallow, so make sure he's tested and all that stuff first.

And you can make that question romantic, if you ask which he preferes and he gives you answer, just give him a test drive to see if that is what he likes.

There you go, two answers and some facts. Hope that helps.

2006-11-30 15:10:19 · answer #4 · answered by wise_sage 2 · 0 0

well, the question doesn't suggest a time frame but i guess 'probably quite soon' is as good as any. i don't know why ppl are aghast at this 'cos guys who have 1 night stands don't have them on their own, and in any cross section of guys and gals there are a few who've had it on within a month of meeting their lads.

my philosophy is why wait? if you can have it now, have it now. life is short.

'swallow or spit' depends on the situation. if there's nothing to spit onto then the question's moot, you have to swallow. but either way i don't think he'll mind much. just make sure you get yours!

2006-11-30 13:14:12 · answer #5 · answered by Can I Be Your Pet? 6 · 0 0

If you really like him, you won't go as far as oral sex for quite a while. No matter what they say, guys don't respect a girl who'll do this at the drop of a hat.

If you do stay together long enough for that time to come, it means you should be intimate enough with him to ask him. Or, while doing it, usually a guy will pull out of your mouth if he doesn't want you to swallow it, but most guys do.

2006-11-30 13:03:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ask yourself,how many have swallowed for him?? and then say to yourself,'I've known him for a few days,and he is nice enough to ask me to do him.",it can be a loosing situation,you do it,you can be considered a whore,you don't do it,you could be in a bad place with him. But if you do it,then you shouldn't swallow..

2006-11-30 13:00:23 · answer #7 · answered by Ellie 4 · 0 0

Dont do either.

Just let your mouth hang open so you can catch it, that way you can either swallow if you want or push it out of your mouth to dribble down your chin if you dont want to swallow. I find nothing in the whole world of sex better than when its dribbling down a woman's chin and dripping off!

2006-11-30 23:38:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think it's a bit too early to be getting that intimate. If you feel you need to to, buy some flavoured condoms until you know him better, it's only been a few days since you met him. If he objects to the condoms then don't do it.

2006-11-30 13:09:51 · answer #9 · answered by colin.christie 3 · 0 0

It's protein-based and goes straight to the thighs. Definitely don't swallow and pretend to go to the bathroom immediately afterwards. And if he's really, really nice, as you say he is, then he'll reciprocate.

2006-11-30 13:02:13 · answer #10 · answered by Ta 3 · 0 0

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