The first thing you need to do is call your credit card company and explain the situation and follow that up with a letter. Some mail order companies take several weeks to fill orders. You might check the terms of sale to make sure you are not jumping to conclusions too early. When a company fails to respond to problems, it usually causes concern. You could contact the Better Business Bureau and see if complaints have been filed. Most states have a department of consumer affairs, or similarly named department, for handling this type of complaint. That action may be premature, since it has only been a couple of weeks. These offices are sometimes attached to the State Attorney or Attorney General's office.
2006-11-30 13:38:59
answer #1
answered by Flyby 6
2016-05-28 17:22:51
answer #2
answered by Tammy 3
I use to order meds online from an overseas pharmacy and it would take 4-6 weeks to get it. IF it doesn't get stopped at the border. Some of the companies swear they sent it and didn't. I paid for one and they sent a list of papers telling me about the drug (I paid 40.00). The credit card will reverse the charges. They will ask you for dates and how you tried to contact the company (phone, e-mail, letter) etc and if you got a reply, how long it's been, etc. they will also try to contact them....then you should get a credit...I have an entire list of pharmacies I have dealt with...if you are interested in who NOT to deal with (international wise) feel free to ask
2006-11-30 15:46:30
answer #3
answered by chilover 7
Well, most of those companies are really slow. Two weeks is quite normal, and often it will take eight weeks or more. So I'm not sure you've been scammed yet ...
You will not be able to reverse charges with your credit card company because they will only do that with a proof of fraud, and I don't think you have that yet.
Lastly, unfortunately there is no legal recourse because what you ordered is probably illegal and furthermore the amount would only be a small claim and can't be prosecuted internationally.
2006-11-30 12:21:19
answer #4
answered by Julian A 4
Call your bank and run a reversal on your credit or debit card...
if they truly did charge your card, they must ship (LEGALLY) within 7 days.
To the person that posted that it was illegal to sell prescription drugs on line... it is not illegal if the business is legit and you have a prescription. Senior citizens do it all the time, so do diabetics.. (DUH!)
I buy contact lenses all the time online, but I have a current prescription.
Please tell me you have a doctor's prescription for these meds that you are ordering.... otherwise.. that's the hold up!
2006-11-30 12:19:36
answer #5
answered by CactusFlower 4
Call your credit card company and get the charges reversed. Report the company to the Better Business Bureau (in the county/state the company is physcially located) and take your business elsewhere. Good Luck!
2006-11-30 12:14:07
answer #6
answered by SoCalBeachGal 3
It is not illegal to buy them online. However I think for tax purposes the state might want some of the money. Im not sure,I used to order naroctics online but havent in a while due to being billed twice for medication that my sick husband needed. I would be very careful with that. I hear the candian pharmacys rip people off and send you medicine that is not as good as the american stuff.
2006-11-30 12:21:38
answer #7
answered by crystald24 2
There is not much you can do because you really don't know where the pharmacy is located or for that matter if there was even one in existance. When you buy off the internet, ALWAYS know who you are dealing with, where they are located and what remedial measures are available.
2006-11-30 12:22:12
answer #8
answered by Sophist 7
Call your credit card company and dispute the charge. Next time go to the corner drug store because if it happened once it will happen again.
2006-11-30 13:40:11
answer #9
answered by antwon c 1
ummm, well there's definitely the possiblity of foul play...which is what this sounds like to me unfortunately. In that case I would contact either a lawyer or the police (or both). That is of course, if you feel it's "worth the fight". Unfortunately though, it can be hard to track people down in situations like that. Hope everything turns out well!
2006-11-30 12:20:58
answer #10
answered by sk8rgrl02631 2