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2006-11-30 09:45:24 · 40 answers · asked by A True Gentleman 5 in Politics & Government Military

40 answers

No, but I would fight for England.

2006-11-30 09:53:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I would fight for my country if necessary.
Which, as some of you seem to think is England.
Our forces are British and come from the United Kingdom
eg. Great Britain

2006-12-02 11:11:03 · answer #2 · answered by Blueblaze 4 · 0 0

I would fight for my friends in my troop / platoon first. Queen Lizzie second and England / Britain third. Tony Liar, no F@@king chance. But as it stands I work in a dull office, so until I get the call up for national service I feel a little under qualified and out of place to answer.

2006-11-30 23:06:05 · answer #3 · answered by Nelson 2 · 0 0

Not for Blair and the government, not for the Queen or any of the other royals, but just for the country! Britain! For the heritage and just to show i am proud of being British despite the poor reputation our country is getting. =(

2006-11-30 11:21:39 · answer #4 · answered by matt151091 2 · 1 1

For Blair - no.
For the British government - not the present one.
For England - yes.
What we need is an English resistance movement.

2006-11-30 12:07:32 · answer #5 · answered by Cassandra 3 · 0 0

Id die for my Queen and country but id never fight for Blaire.

2006-11-30 10:08:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

No I don't think they are worth it. Would Blair die for his country. If the answer is yes then give him a uniform and a weapon.

2006-11-30 22:14:04 · answer #7 · answered by rebeloil 1 · 0 0

I would gladly fight for Queen/King and country as i am proud of my heritage and would fight anyone who tried to invade us.
I wouldn't fight for Blair or the Government as they are all sleazy gits who would anything to line their own pockets

2006-11-30 09:56:41 · answer #8 · answered by imstilldadaddy 2 · 2 0

I wouldn't fight for the Prime Minister or the government but i would fight for Queen and country.

2006-11-30 11:25:14 · answer #9 · answered by HHH 6 · 2 0

Hell, I'm from the US, and if it came to it, I'd head on over there and help if needed. Not for pm Blair, but for England.

2006-11-30 10:26:32 · answer #10 · answered by Diadem 4 · 2 0

People fight for who they want, but if I were in the military, I would be fighting for my country, not for any elected leaders, that is how nations are destroyed, to much loyalty to a person or leader.

2006-11-30 10:05:27 · answer #11 · answered by asmith1022_2006 5 · 2 0

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