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criminal record for g.b.h, common assault,

2006-11-30 08:45:20 · 22 answers · asked by stupot 2 in Politics & Government Military

22 answers

Seems a bit weird if you are, considering the army is about fighting !!!!

Check out this website and use it to contact the army direct http://www.army.mod.uk/

I would also advise that you are honest about things AND you show that you are sorry. Also say that you want to join as you feel that it would HELP you control your anger / violence.

Good Luck - Hope it works out well !!!!

2006-11-30 08:50:50 · answer #1 · answered by David 5 · 0 0

It won't stop you from joining, however, it will limit the positions you may apply for. For example, you won't be able to become an MP....
The recruiter will ask you up front about your criminal background and will ask that you sign a release form so that the Army can do a check. So, be honest right away. Based upon the information the Army gathers, the recruiter will tell you what positions you qualify for.
If they are only misdemeanors, it won't be too hard to find you a position, but if they are felonies, I think it might be a problem for you.

2006-11-30 08:49:42 · answer #2 · answered by Hestia 4 · 1 0

If you can have your record expunged, have committed no other crimes or on drugs/alcohol before you go to a recruiting office and Mepps for your physical maybe. The Army or Marines might be more willing to take you.

Your Congressman or Senator maybe able to help, along with letters from members of the community, your minister if you have one, parole officer etc...

2006-11-30 09:14:13 · answer #3 · answered by Sassy 3 · 1 0

Yes, a lot of people are signed up for the army just to teach them disapline. Suprisingly about half of people in the army have criminal records!

2006-11-30 08:54:17 · answer #4 · answered by ryannelson52659 1 · 1 0

In the UK we have the rehabilitation of offenders act. If you have committed an offence you must inform your recruitment officer of the offence. There are however time limits, after so many years ,say 10, after any conviction, you do not need to inform anybody as your conviction is said to be "spent".

2006-11-30 10:30:01 · answer #5 · answered by utah saint 2 · 0 0

Of course you can.
Your may be refused the military police but all other options are open.
a criminal record doesnt benefit your case but if you sell yourself as upstanding and decent they will make up their own minds over the first few weeks as to whether youre an asset.
good luck!

2006-11-30 08:57:17 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

relying on what's on your husband's criminal record he might want to correctly be able to nonetheless connect the military. despite the indisputable fact that, many times information that comprise drug use, violent inclinations, robbery, or different better intense crimes will make him no longer perfect. many times, if one recruiter has grew to change into him down, then others will also. despite the indisputable fact that, you're loose to seek for suggestion from different recruiters in the area. Be truthful with them, might want to they discover out after he might want to be universal, they're going to easily deliver him decrease back abode because he lied on the software. that would really positioned him in a worst position then if he were rejected in the first position. despite the indisputable fact that, he might want to nonetheless make contributions to the military through becomming a volunteer on the USO, or different service correct agencies. in this way he might want to nonetheless be helping his usa. I wish him properly in his endeavors. SSG Ed, US military, Retired

2016-10-08 00:43:25 · answer #7 · answered by meadors 4 · 0 0

join the foreign legion. doesn`t matter if u have a criminal record to get in there

2006-11-30 11:07:09 · answer #8 · answered by graham f 3 · 0 0

For some small convictions they look the other way, ask your recruiter, probably so in this case.

2006-11-30 20:35:39 · answer #9 · answered by zeroartmac 7 · 0 0

No, if you are convicted of a felony you can not enlist in the Army.

2006-11-30 08:48:51 · answer #10 · answered by Walt C 1 · 0 0

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