100% chance of them taking over the USA, right after I fly out of a frozen over hell on my pig with monkeys flying out my butt.
Besides already being super powers why would they want to
Your a little behind on world events
China, EU, and India are already super powers
2006-11-30 06:17:53
answer #1
answered by Deport all ILLEGAL Alien INVADER 3
EU: never, they're going downhill so fast they'll win the gold medal for skiing.
China: Their population is beginning to be too large to sustain in their environment and while they'll become an economic powerhouse, and a regional military power, they won't reach U.S. power levels for a LONG time.
India: They have the most potential, since they have a large and somewhat educated population. I foresee them also becoming an economic powerhouse and a greater regional power than China, but both countries are far behind the U.S. in technological innovation, military spending/power, and lots of other things.
U.S.: As long as the U.S. continues to expand it's population with immigrants (illegal or otherwise), it won't suffer the stagnation effect that Europe is going through now, and will continue to be the dominant superpower for a very long time.
2006-11-30 08:39:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
India will become the economic powerhouse of the world before china will due to the fact that they have a very large percentage of young people where as china is going to suffer because of its 1 child policy.China is likely to become the military rival to the US though, they are currently increasing their military spending year on year by 11% that we know of but it is suspected to be much higher than that figure secretly.The EU is more unpredictable due to the fact that we have an aging population in western Europe so it will largely be dependent on the newer group members to increase growth while us in western Europe have to adapt away from our social programs just to be able to compete in the world market.Although India and Europe will keep nuclear capabilities they are not interested in massive military build ups at the detriment of it peoples improvement in living standards.
2006-11-30 06:24:48
answer #3
answered by ??? 3
i think of u . s . a . will proceed to be as a superpower for a whilst, yet there has been a communication approximately secession for the state of Texas. If Texas gets seceded from the U. S., the dignity of the U. S. would be long gone perpetually. How can China be the subsequent superpower if human rights are being abused there? in case you're speaking approximately "financial" superpower, that's sensible. complicated to foretell who may be the subsequent international's superpower, yet there is somebody down there attempting to ax a tree. that's Taliban, Al-Qaeda, ETA, and different terrorist communities. they seem to be some form of a sparkling affliction that forestalls a usa from bobbing up as a superpower. i think of there will be no superpower after u . s . a ., and those terrorist communities would desire to be eradicated previously we see yet another superpower.
2016-10-13 10:53:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You don't have to be militarily superior to be a superpower. We are handing China the keys to superpower-hood every day we ship our jobs there, every time we buy Chinese products over American ones. You want to hurt someone, you hit them in the pocket--it's economic prowess that makes a superpower. So, yes, it is entirely likely India and China will rise to that status. I can't say about the EU.
2006-11-30 06:24:01
answer #5
answered by melouofs 7
Not to worry, my friend. China still uses Russian tech (and US tech that Clinton gave them) and can't come up with anything on their own. India uses old American stuff. The EU doesn't have the will to be a superpower.
2006-11-30 06:16:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Remote at best. China may become a superpower, but the EU is too divisive internally, and India suffers from abject poverty.
2006-11-30 06:27:20
answer #7
answered by No one 7
I think one could argue that China already is a superpower.
India? Maybe some day, but I don't think so.
The EU will never be able to agree on anything among themselves that would be important enough to create a superpower.
2006-11-30 06:29:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
China will overtake in 30 years.
2006-11-30 06:54:07
answer #9
answered by brainstorm 7
Well that's not gonna happen too soon. But give it a long run,the chance is pretty good. Check this site http://knows.jongo.com you'll find everything about China, then you can get a better signt.
2006-11-30 20:46:13
answer #10
answered by pudu2pa 1