Okay, so I've been out of HS for 5 years, but here goes: YOU GOTTA BLOW UP HIS SPOT- Repeat something he said to you and say it to him in person. If you want a reaction, you have to embarrass him just like he embarrasses you every time you walk by him and he ignores you. If you don't act on this it will drive you crazy thinking about it. Plus in 3 or 4 years, you will look back and laugh at yourself-Believe me, I've been there.
2006-11-30 05:21:54
answer #1
answered by mybrotherisahomo 1
You are so young, you have so much more to go in your life to worry about some 9th grader punk. Just think of the college experiences you are going to have someday and all the guys you will meet along the way. You're smart, young and you have so much more to live for. Leave him alone and he will come running after you I bet. If not you will find many others that will.
2006-11-30 13:19:20
answer #2
answered by crackerz_in_bed 2
Talking dirty on a computer is differnt than talking normally in person. Why would you put that kind of impression out there to him???? Now he thinks of you only in a sexual way and would probably want that from you not a real relatinship.....
You had better stop this, or you might get a bad rep for this and people will talk, cause guys like to brag.....Unfortunately, you need to drop this guy and his dirty talk./....
2006-11-30 13:22:21
answer #3
answered by doclakewrite 7
It sounds like he's trying to keep his options open. Honestly, he probably talks to all those other girls the way he talks to you, but doesn't want any of them to find out.
2006-11-30 13:20:56
answer #4
answered by grrlstarr79 2
Forget about him if you don't you are going to get your heart broke! If he liked you he would find time to talk to you!! He's not worth your worries. Spoken from experience!!
Good Luck
2006-11-30 13:20:55
answer #5
answered by Groover_84 2
hes a guy and guys in 9th grade want to score
2006-11-30 13:21:28
answer #6
answered by manfromblueriver 3
leave that ninth grade punk alone. i'm sure u can find someone who will talk to u in school and out.
2006-11-30 13:27:42
answer #7
answered by Babe 2
well i'd have to say forget him,b/c you never know he might be talking to you just b/c of a bet.or unlesss you got a nice bod then wants that
2006-11-30 13:22:21
answer #8
answered by yUngCuTie 1
Maybe he likes you so much that he gets really nervous when he sees you in person...
The best thing to do is to just ask him about it.
2006-11-30 13:22:38
answer #9
answered by F.J. 6
This hurts doesn't it?He is lising two different live, one is a fantasy with you. sorry. Move on.
2006-11-30 13:21:17
answer #10
answered by nancy e 4