i honestly dont like guys with
red hair but thats just me.
2006-11-30 05:07:35
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
'Guys seem to love girls with red hair' - I'd love to live wherever you are. It's the total opposite here, hence my lack of luck with guys. No one's interested in 'ginnas' here. Bunch of stupid chavs.
It really depends on the person - I like red hair, it's unusual and they definitely stand out, even though some people find it odd that a redhaired girl can like a boy with the same hair colour.
I know a lot of girls think they 'could never go out with a ginger' - someone at my college's exact words - but hopefully most people aren't that stupid and can see past the hair. It's only a hair colour, I don't get how it's any different to being blond. There are far less natural blondes than redheads anyway!
2006-11-30 07:55:44
answer #2
answered by Bee 3
The hair doesn't really matter, all guys are lovely in their own way. Apart from the arrogant, stupid, shallow jerks that get a name for all you other men.
Personally I think (and i know many others that agree) you red heads are hot
2006-12-03 07:01:26
answer #3
answered by statichattie 1
id say that it depends on the guy and the girl to b honest. think guys with red hair is cute n sexy but dnt know if id be the same as the 'firey red head' when referring to a female.
does that make any sense, usually hear women talk about a talk dark handsome man and i dnt think he has red hair
no offence to any who has red hair
2006-11-30 05:12:22
answer #4
answered by Miss Confused 2
i dont see why not, ive got red hair and i would go out with a guy with red hair. i think that people with red hair is cool. i think when it comes to hair everyones different, i like guys with long hair yet my best mate doesnt.
2006-11-30 05:28:52
answer #5
answered by xx angel 3m xx 2
Its got to be the right type of red for attractive redhead ladies.
If its bright red and wiry - no way.
Haven't thought about the attractiveness of red head guys and don't plan to either. (Although Axl Rose looked super cool with red hair)
Who cares though - attractiveness isn't all about appearance of something like hair. Just be comfortable with who you are.
2006-11-30 05:10:24
answer #6
answered by Joe Bloggs 4
I'm a Guy with Reddish (Auburn) hair, who was married to one of the most beautiful creatures on this Planet...until she fancied a guy with jet-black hair. There's your answer really!
Mind you, Scottish guys mainly have red hair & they're supposed to be "hot"! But maybe Ginger men have a leaner time of it?!
2006-11-30 05:13:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
if a guy has the right hair style for his face i don't think it matters. but red hair on a guy seems hot to me, but of course in the right style or else it doesn't work.
2006-11-30 05:10:15
answer #8
answered by J.Bo 2
I think red hair is sexy. It can make a guy look kind of mischevious and cute for some reason. I always want to touch it. And it's unique.
And yes, it makes me curious about what their pubes look like.
2006-11-30 05:10:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I've always loved red hair.
2006-11-30 05:08:47
answer #10
answered by Mom 2
girls think guys with red hair is hot
2006-11-30 05:07:44
answer #11
answered by Theresa M 1