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im not of big build or muscular but i do have very sharp and long finger nails i could use in combat, is that enough or do i have to be a lot tougher?

2006-11-30 04:39:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

13 answers

a lot tougher then your nail varnish lady.

2006-11-30 04:41:35 · answer #1 · answered by alpha.female 3 · 0 1

-.-; I'm afraid they'd make you cut those very sharp and long fingernails. In combat, fingernails aren't what you need. You need a friggin M-60 or M-240.
And women "do" have it tougher then men. For example, the men run 5 miles, yet the women run 6 or 7.
And you "do" need to be a lot tougher. You need to be as tough as the men.

2006-11-30 04:47:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Very sharp and long finger nails? Are you serious? Ladies don't join the Army....Woman join the Army

2006-11-30 05:31:47 · answer #3 · answered by verduneuro 2 · 1 0

well those finger nails will get worn off by doing push-ups so you won't have them any more but the push-up will build you up so you be able to break someones neck with your hands. You actually sound like a pampered naive little girl who has no idea what she would be getting into either in basic training, AIT or on a battle feild.

2006-11-30 04:54:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its not your physical strength as much as it is your mental strength you need a tough mind to tell yourself that you can make it through the worst and especially basic training because they scream and yell at you every chance they get :) but don't worrie it gets better after that:) but i would make sure you are in good shape before you go to basic training... here are the basic requirements for BCT
Pushups- 19
2 mile run- 19 minutes
Its really not that hard if you train and put your mind to it

2006-11-30 05:39:48 · answer #5 · answered by Brokensoul898 2 · 0 0

My brother is in the National Guard, and from what he tells me, being big or muscular is not really a requirement, but being in shape is. Unfortunately, I think you will have to cut your nails.

The site below lists the different physical requirements for enlistment and for graduating basic training. The physical requirements for women are considerably lower than they are for men.

2006-11-30 04:50:53 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The army website has the physical fitness requirements listed. There are tables that show, based on age and gender, how well you need to perform at sit-ups, push ups, and a two-mile run.

2006-11-30 04:43:50 · answer #7 · answered by Gerty 4 · 0 0

You have a misconception of military life. In basic training (Boot Camp), you are trained with weapons and educated in warfare.

Females do not have to be big and bulky, just smart and able to follow orders and work as a team member.

From an ex-Marine, Good Luck.

2006-11-30 04:46:39 · answer #8 · answered by Ambassador Z 4 · 0 0

I would say a lil tougher.... And Ive been active duty for 5 years

2006-11-30 05:19:24 · answer #9 · answered by hockeytwn09 3 · 0 0


you're hilarious.

a) if you think the army isn't going to make you cut your nails, you need to think again.

b) if you think that in the army you're ever going to get close enough to use your FINGERNAILS on somebody, you're going to get shot, stabbed, or blown up. you think it's a slapfight outside of some dance club over in the iraqi desert? get real, you fool.

2006-11-30 04:49:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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