Are they adults? Because if they are, then it's their own business what they choose to eat. It's their business if they don't exercise. It will also be their business when they have a heart attack. You aren't their father, and unless you're going to be at their funeral weeping, it's none of your business. Basically, quit acting like a gossiping ol' ho.
If we want to act like snooty health nuts then lets go all the way with it, nobody should be drinking coffee. Period.
2006-11-30 04:57:32
answer #1
answered by Mr. Bojangles 5
No no, you're getting it backwards. Having been a fat chick after having my babies, it is precisely BECAUSE you love Frappuccinos from Starbucks that you increase in size, it's not that fat people just love buying Frappucinos just because they're fat.
Don't underestimate the physical craving for fat and sweets in us hormonally charged women. We know what we should be getting, but instead we get the thing that makes us feel all warm and yummy inside. Sugar is totally a drug. It's very hard work to turn down that drug, and opt for something healthier. Once you start though, it gets easier.
2006-11-30 04:33:49
answer #2
answered by blondes tease, brunettes please 4
It's strange how people with sexual dysfunction take out their resentment on those of larger size. I worked at Starbucks, and we mostly got skinny little girls who's ONLY calorie intake was one frap a day.
2006-11-30 04:29:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Its funny isn't it! Strange that they either don't realize how many calories that are in there or they don't care. At least they will have more energy (from the caffeine) to complain about how fat they are after they drink it! Hee hee!!!
2006-11-30 04:29:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The cup of sugar is Exibit A. You can see why they are fat.
2006-11-30 04:28:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i guess not everyone is concerned or knows about such things like u do!
2006-11-30 04:53:36
answer #6
answered by statistics 4
We thin women love them too.
2006-11-30 04:37:26
answer #7
answered by lizardmama 6
first of all they are not fat chicks they are over wieght women. jack ***. and why do fat guys like beer and pizza???
2006-11-30 04:42:50
answer #8
answered by cupcake0559 1
fraps r good and black coffee is nasty
2006-11-30 16:20:44
answer #9
answered by No n 2
Because Frappucinos themselves have 400+ calories... it's what MADE them fat!!
2006-11-30 04:27:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous