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3 answers

The simplest, but least effective, way to do this is to convert the image to grayscale.

For a more flexible option, you can add a hue/saturation adjustment layer. See this page for a walk through:


2006-11-29 18:02:23 · answer #1 · answered by James R 3 · 0 0

before everything, constantly artwork on a replica, so which you would be able to get the unique back! basically desaturating or changing to B&W potential the image in many instances lacks evaluation - to would desire to spice up specific factors. you may regulate the RGB channel sliders in B&W to income greater evaluation, or mimic the effects of B&W filters in an adjustment layer. in my opinion i take advantage of a plugin called Alien pores and skin exposure 3 (in CS5) which mimics particular action picture varieties like Ilford Pan F and Kodak Tri-X. i discover this leads to 'punchier' photographs and provides me close to sufficient what i prefer with out having to faff approximately plenty. they are in a place to constantly be greater desirable tweaked if needed.

2016-12-17 18:43:24 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

right click on the picture and it will give you options. gray scale

2006-11-29 18:08:08 · answer #3 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 0 0

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