The same reason why some girls are stupid, and play hard to get instead of openly coming out and telling the guy they like them and are interested. Who says the guy has to make the first move all the time anyway...
2006-11-29 12:29:40
answer #1
answered by awesome 4
For most guys, it is simply because they fear rejection... rejection is very damaging to the ego and they can have their confidence absolutely destroyed. Guys are just as sensitive as girls. If the guy isn't shy, but instead experienced, he will KNOW better than to tell you directly he likes you. Only inexperienced guys will just go up to a girl and tell them immediately that they like them. Do you know why? Have you thought about it? Because it will KILL the suspense, the anticipation, and with that, the attraction the girl might have had for the guy. Smart guys know how to send mixed signals and keep you wondering. They don't give away their intentions, but they hint at everything. If the guy is good, he won't have to say "I like you," because he knows it doesn't matter how attracted he is to the girl and what he says to her, just as long as SHE like him. In the same way, the experienced guy never "asks" you out or asks you for a date or anything. He either suggests it, or simply assumes that is what you want to do. He never seeks your approval. THIS kind of guy is not "stupid" by any measure. He has taken the time to learn how to push all your buttons, one of which is to keep you wondering whether or not he really likes you. They don't say "I like you" until you are theirs. Now, the typical guy, representing 99% of the population, doesn't know what he is doing, and will either completely avoid you, be completley direct and give his attraction to you away (ruining all the fun, excitement, and mystery for you, causing you to have lower attraction for him), or possibly become your friend. Either way, he loses. There you have it.
2006-11-29 12:46:46
answer #2
answered by scottrc5391 3
Have you any idea how bad it is to be rejected by a girl? It's a nightmare! You pluck up the courage to ask her out and she turns you down. Not only do you know this, but so does she. And seemingly, within ten seconds, so does the entire northern hemisphere.
Although guys have many advantages, women hold the cards when it comes to expressing an interest.
2006-11-29 12:30:07
answer #3
answered by Wonderpants 2
Because boys have huge but very fragile egos. They are terrified of rejection and the laughter of their friends. You are what they want, but they are unsure of what to say or what to do. They havn't developed thier "rap" yet. This is why they take your notebook, or snatch a note out of your hand.. it gets you to give them attention without them having to actually develop witty conversation.
Give them time, and they will be telling you they like you more than you want.
But just remember that when they DO finally start to chase you, young males ONLY want one thing. It is not until they are much older and looking to "settle down" that they are looking for deep relationships. Until then... it is the one thing...
2006-11-29 12:33:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
They're not stupid, just scared. They might be afraid of people making fun of them. Or maybe people will say that the guy doesn't have a chance with the girl he likes. It depends on the guy. He may be one to show his feelings to everyone or he may prefer to keep them to himself.
2006-11-29 12:30:21
answer #5
answered by Crouton 3
We are not stupid just afraid of saying the wrong thing. You could help the situation and be open and friendly and ask general questions of interest to both of you. Show him that you don't bite and are willing to talk to him no matter how badly he stumbles over his tongue. It is your task to make him feel comfortable enough to talk to you.
2006-11-29 12:32:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well, to be honest, not only boys are like that, girls are too. Probably scared of rejection, humiliation and unprepared to act when being rejected. Human nature.
2006-11-29 12:30:36
answer #7
answered by Hanna 6
Cause they ar afraid that u reject them why u dont do the fisrt move u cant just wait to things that come to u u have to get out there and do it urself
2006-11-29 12:31:28
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
They are just being punks. They are probably afraid of being punched in the face, which is
what some of these jackasses deserve. Just
some of them.
2006-11-29 12:33:02
answer #9
answered by PrettyEyes 3
Because they don't like to be thought of as stupid.
2006-11-29 12:36:32
answer #10
answered by TarKettle 6