He will be issued everything he needs, deodorant, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash, soap, foot powder/spray. But you can have items sent to you. While at Parris Island, my parents sent me a regular supply of foot powder, and a few other items. You can send him just about anything you want, even if it just for the harrassment value (I don't know how much harrassment you get in Army bootcamp, but we caught absolute hell at Parris Island with the Marines). We were there at Christmas and one recruit's brother sent him some very girly soap and some Christmas candy. He caught it like it was cool and the drill instructors lit him up. In the end, it was a little fun and games, because the drill instructors had been confiscating all of the candy that had been coming in, and they let everyone have a little, except for the fat-bodies (me included). We got fresh fruit. After the fact, everyone realized that they would have prefered to have the fruit, because the morning after they had allowed everyone to have the candy, they PT'ed us until they were throwing up. Valuable lesson, we all knew we had PT in the morning.
You can send newspapers, cards, things like that. Send them a little something cute just to get them harassed a little bit. What else are friends for.
2006-12-01 08:27:00
answer #1
answered by The_moondog 4
A care package for the road there is okay, all toiletries have to be non-alcohol based though so read the ingredients. Once he's in boot camp all you can send is letters of support. No food! That is a big no-no and will only cause trouble for him. But keep those letters going once you get the address nothing like letters from home to keep the spirits up!
2006-11-29 20:30:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
My husband took all of his own toiletries (army as well) They didn't send any of his stuff home....maybe the different branches have different rules? Anyway they can't take food etc in. That is a big time no no. My husband told me a lot of stories about guys getting caught with pogie bait (not sure about the spelling on that!) and you don't want your friend to be that guy! What might be a better idea is to wait til he gets home and have a basket of some of his favorite foods and maybe a dvd or something in it so that he can actually enjoy what you're giving him.
By the way...that's so nice of you! ;-)
2006-11-29 20:33:32
answer #3
answered by . 6
No, don't send him anything. He won't even take toiletries with him. They will literally take everything he brings with him away from him, including the clothes he is wearing. They don't make him ship his things home, he will get them back after Boot Camp to take with him to Tech School. They will issue his uniforms and other clothing neccesities. When he gets to boot camp they will give him a $250 dollar "gift card" (it comes out of his first check) and they will take him to the BX to buy toiletries and anything else he needs. . He will be unable to receive anything but letters while he is in boot camp. Believe me, the letters will mean more to him than a trail size bottle of shampoo :0)
2006-11-29 20:32:29
answer #4
answered by mustangsally76 7
Not only will you not be able to send him any care packages while he is in boot camp, but when he arrives they pack up all of his personal belongings that he brought and send them home. My son just finished Navy boot camp and all they asked him to bring were the clothes on his back and his wallet.
The military will provide him with everything he needs while he is in training.
2006-11-29 20:25:18
answer #5
answered by Sunnee 3
DO NOT send a care package until you find out what he is allowed , SEND stamped self addressed envelopes.The reason I caution against goodies is some DRILL SGT's have different rules or see "POAGIE BAIT" (army slang for junk food)as WEAKNESS, and it can cause jealousy if your soldier gets a few candy bars and some soldiers get none. Write him as much as you can and don't pressure him to write back,also NO RACY pictures thats a fight waiting to happen-remember IT'S ONLY 54 DAYS ! he is going to be so busy your job is to make it go fast and smooth- hope this helps and THANK HIM FOR HIS SERVICE
2006-11-29 21:23:48
answer #6
answered by badmts 4
i got a packing list out of the basic training booklet my recruiter gave me before i went to basic. i packed everything on it, so the only additional items i had to buy was a watch and some extra socks and a wallet for my id. have all your toiletries put into waterproof containers and labeled with your last name at the least and put into a shower bag or whatever. keeps in neat and tidy.
2006-11-29 23:02:18
answer #7
answered by haikuhi2002 4
YES! Small bottles
and once he's there...send him a "care" package with cookies and candies in....
or even better....
send him a care package with someting that is just messed up....like a rubber frog or a teddy bear...
yeah that's always a good time :) :)
2006-11-29 20:20:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i really don't know considering i haven't been to boot camp and nobody i know has either....but i would say yes. you could always phone them or go there and ask them in person. i'm sure they wouldn't mind....maybe. either that or get your friend to sneak it into his bag...hehe
2006-11-29 20:21:24
answer #9
answered by nicolemarie 1
Yes, it IS allowed -- and encouraged -- otherwise he won't have them available when he reports in for processing.
2006-11-29 21:04:36
answer #10
answered by sglmom 7