what a choice, black I suppose because it goes with everything
no, hang on a mo, I would never find it in my black handbag so it had better be chrome
2006-12-02 06:42:10
answer #1
answered by Amanda K 7
Your past three questions have been chrome - me thinks you may have a fetish - or may be wondering if you are batting for the other team...
Okay, the straight chick's opinion...
It depends on what you are going to be using this handgun for and how serious you are about the upkeep - I've got half a dozen handguns, 3 black 1 blued and 2 with chrome - if you are taking it to the range and laying waste to paper targets every week, go with black as you don't have to be so meticulous about cleaning it - if you are just showing it off then go with chrome (beware, even showing a firearm to someone may be considering 'brandishing' in some states and you may face severe penalties or even jail time). If it is strictly for concealed carry/self defense, I'd suggest black in that situation as well - catch a burglar by surprise as long as the night light down the hall doesn't glint off the chromed barrel.
The blued guns are okay, but if you choose a cheap cleaning fluid, they can discolor. It looks kind of tie-dye meets oil spill.
In short, a gun will kill someone no matter what color it is. What you should consider is how well you are going to take care of it.
2006-11-29 11:20:36
answer #2
answered by AngG 3
Straight as an arrow, but a hard-chromed gun will last forever. Not the shiny bumper-chrome jobs you see from time to time; hard-chrome is like a matte silver finish that's tough as nails.
FWIW, my carry gun is matte stainless :-)
2006-12-02 14:15:40
answer #3
answered by Manevitch 4
I was thinking about this today so I will put my angle in. A chrome gun will reflect light in the night from electrics and a keen observer (like me) would plug you. Enjoy!
2006-11-29 11:24:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Stainless steel, chrome can blind you in the sun. My main carry is stainless steel to try to mitigate the possibility of rust.
2006-11-29 17:47:13
answer #5
answered by .45 Peacemaker 7
Little boys shouldn't play with guns, idiot little boys even less.
Look where 'everybody gotta have a gun' has brought us.
Get an education. Or a girl-friend. Or start smoking pot.
Or something.
Little boys shouldn't play with guns, idiot little boys even less.
2006-11-29 14:40:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Depends on the type of gun. If you're getting something nice like a silver Desert Eagle, good for you. Otherwise, I guess black is good enough.
If you have the money for a Desert Eagle, I would say go and get a golden gun: http://www.magnumresearch.com/Expand.asp?ProductCode=DEXIX10
Should I know this kinda stuff if I'm 17?
2006-11-29 11:08:19
answer #7
answered by doctorevil64 4
Depends on what situation you plan to make use of them. If you just want to show off to your friends, get chrome. If you may actually have to defend yourself, or carry concealed, go with black.
2006-11-29 11:05:08
answer #8
answered by not4u2c_yet 4
People people people. Everyone knows that camouflage of blue is the way to go. what exactly are you gonna shoot with the handgun anyway? if for hunting choose camo if not then take blue coz everyones got a black handgun.
2006-11-29 11:15:42
answer #9
answered by Blitz (Team commander) 3
My hand guns are all black. Chrome is too easily seen by an enemy.
2006-11-29 11:04:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous